[] Indra – Cyclone Shieldbreaker, God of Thunder. Crucible 5:40. [c+] [sr+] [vid] [g3]

OMG. Good thing I sided with Solael not knowing this info.

…I didn’t know that either :see_no_evil:

There are plenty of viable alternatives for this rune, though. Since we have 100% Aether>Lightning converison, Rune of Fallen Kings might actually be just as good (less damage but lower cooldown + higher range); and good old Rune of Displacement still works, too :slight_smile:

I’m currently using Rune of the Dark Progenitor, it’s Chaos dmg I know, but the DA/OA shred is helpful I guess.

What gear would be the best for this setup, the left or the right one?

I’d say the right one.

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I agree with Blackpox here, the right one looks a lot better!

%Cooldown Reduction is very important with this build (for Ascension, BWC & Canister), as is Attack Speed (EoR scales with this stat). More Casting Speed would of course be nice, but since most of our skills that profit from it have a fairly long cooldown, everything else is much more useful.

Also, more +flat and +% lightning dmg as well as OA are ofc. always nice to have.

Regarding your Rune choice: Yeah, in the end you can probably just use whatever you have/like best; utility goes before damage here – by a long shot.

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Waiting for the updated GT link!

Thanks Cinder

New grimtools link is up:


Have fun!

Why do you use Aether corruption (seal of corruption)? Could it be better to use seal of might for extra protection, or another blades? I find it woo many buttons considering that you have to keep up asc-bwc-bomb-mine rotation non-stop. Those few RR is already on top of many RR from skills etc, and slow is almost useless on bosses, correct meif Im wrong.

Yes, this is kind of true; and I would love to reduce the number of active skills here.

The reason I still picked Seal of Corruption has a few unfortunate reasons:

  1. Seal of Might converts a fairly significant chunk of our Aether damage to useless physical, breaking up the desired full aether>lightning conversion
  2. The Life Steal from Seal of Blades doesn’t apply to our attacks if it is placed on our offhand, since only our weapon provides the damage (not 100% sure about this mechanically though; if you find evidence to the contrary, please tell me!)
  3. We kind of need another active skill to proc Ultos devotion
  4. -xx% RR is one of the strongest stats in the game to increase overall damage.

HOWEVER – that being said, its RR is not very high and Ultos devotion not very strong atm, so you could probably just bind Ultos to Rahn’s Might (a little less consistent but still ok) & either leave Aether Corruption out of your skill rotation or go for a Haunted Steel + Seal of Blades setup instead (but put Haunted steel in your weapon, then, to get max AdctH).

Your damage should still be plenty high; and if you choose to go for it, the Haunted Steel active skill is much easier to manage than Corruption & gives you another 8 seconds of immortality to pop wenever you need it :slight_smile:

I’m using the defensive setup now. Still melts mob like butter. :smiley:


Quick Update:

  • The build lost some damage, but still stands firmly in the tier 1 category.
  • The Conduit nerf affected our survivability the most, but if you change your weapon component to Haunted Steel & use its Bloodthirster ability during the now increased Ascension uptime you should be totally fine. Just don’t forget to adjust your armor augments to max pierce res again.

New GT: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/m2335b42 (can also be found under the ‘GT’-section of the OP).

Yeah that hard nerf of conduit ascension amulet towards this build :frowning:

I am currently using haunted steel in two builds on my offhand. Why would this be different for seal of blades? You can easily check by the lifesteal pct. on the second tab of the character screen.

First off, there should indeed be no difference between Haunted Steel & Seal of Blades here in terms of mechanics.

And on char page 2 you can see your total % lifesteal, too; however, I’m still uncertain about how specific parts of this % are actually applied in the end.

Here are some of the reasons why:
As far as I know, certain stats like +flat dmg bonuses on a weapon only apply to attacks specific to this weapon (skills are weird like that sometimes; Amarasta’s Blade Burst (Nightblade), for example, seems to only use the dmg from your offhand slot – and dual wielding builds always alternate between weapons in their auto attacks, too, unless a triggered WPS says otherwise), as opposed to +% damage to X on a weapon, which is global no matter where it appears.
And I’m also pretty sure that I saw people argue similarly in regards to %lifesteal & thus to corresponding component slot choices, especially in build guides on DW characters.

But maybe I’m just mixing up Grim Dawn & Titan Quest, here :see_no_evil:

It’s not like I have any hard evidence for my thesis right now, after all…

Yes, our amulet slot really is in a weird spot with this change :confused:

Conduit is still great defensively speaking & the increased flat Aether actually helps our build more than it seems (due to the speed of our EoR ticks we deal a total of ~400% WD/sec, & aether>lightning conversion is still a thing), but it might not be BiS anymore.

The issue is that we really don’t have any great other options (mostly since we need +1 to OK to max EoR).

Offensively, M. Peerles Eye of Beronath would be great, of course; but defense might take too much of a hit due to this. I’ll just have to test a few options…

You don’t happen to have a GG rolled Kaisan’s Burning Eye, do you? :stuck_out_tongue:

What about Serenity instead of Ardor, even if just for the defensive setup? Does the 8% attack speed trump losing the Serenity skill, ~50% total resists, and the ~20% reflected damage reduction (although it gains ~200 health)?

Whilst, in a vacuum, Serenity is probably the better relic, the attack speed is indeed very valuable here (especially since we just lost 12% from the amulet already with the recent Hotfix).

Aether/chaos resists aren’t really needed here, at least in the amazing quantities found on Serenity (a quality of this build we are very lucky to have).The proc is strong, I admit, but we already have 2 circuit breakers with Blast Shield+Ghoul, so its not a groundbreaking addition, either. And, last but not least, EoR is also our main source of sustain; so improving its damage actually supports our defense, as well :wink:

But I wouldn’t exactly count it out as an option to get our resists back up in case I find a decent replacement for the now only mediocre Conduit amulet, so…

Yeah. It’s still a strong option if you can make it fit.

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lifesteal on books get applied to ur mh weapon 100%, same goes for any flat dmg

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Because they don’t have inherent WD? I guess that would make a lot of sense… :slight_smile:

Shields & offhand weapons are still a different story though, right? Because I’m pretty sure I wasn’t hallucinating about that :stuck_out_tongue:

correct, whatever is on a shield is for the shield only