The burning Templar is finally here!
Credit to @thejabrixone for gear ideas, to @sir_spanksalot , @x1x1x1x2 for his VMTemplar.
I think that Templar is the worst class combo for Oathkeeper. It lacks on so many levels. But still can be decent. Here’s my build utilizing Templar’s strengths and using the beautiful Vanquisher set, which
pieces can be farmed from the all four dungeons. My focus in on fire/burn damage and utilizing CT and fire procs. Update
Decided to run this build again changed only few things:
- Reorganize points to get Volcanic Stride at 17/12 for better burn trails.
- Use Blazeseer ring, vitality to fire conversion and nice resistances.
- Little bit of augments change, now Sanctified Bone in Chest and Annihilation in amulet.
- Blazing Charge rune.
Video from Gladiator of 5:47:
- stats with permanent buffs and Ascension. DPS for Stromfire
- damage breakdown for Callidor’s Tempest.
Damage comes from fire procs with massive support with Spirit, damage and CDR. Also CT is used as nuke skill. Stormfire as filler.
Multiple skills with WD, nice life steal, Ghoul with low CD, Revenant. You AdctH so well. Also damage absorb from Maiven, Diamond and flat from Ascension. On nemesis waves, you have Mirror. Very solid and safe build for it’s purpose.
Star pact vs Mandate?
I tried both. In this concept CDR of star pact is more stable. Crit damage from mandate+burn is sweat, but Star pact is so cool.
CT transmute vs non?
CT with transmute is so much better actually. You have one big nuke+multiple small procs. WIthout it build kills Nemesis and resistant mobs much slowe.
Weapon+Off hand?
I think they are BiS. Warpfire provides excellent RR, Aldanar have both OA and DA and +1 to both classes. Consumption of Agrivix offers neither sadly.
Rings are ugly, I know. But blue one offers burn duration, valuable stat. Time flux covers DA, slow, resitances and cast speed. I dislike here Ice and Fire rings.
Relic choice
I like Iskandra better than Eternity. Damage proc is abslolute monste. Makes meteors and fissures hit even harder.
I like the big spirit dump. But you still need physique for DA. I craft items with armor, but that’s open fordebate.
In Crucible my times vary a lot, which is normal conisdering low RR. So fire mutators and Maiden can push your build time by a lot. So time is between 6:10(on luck) to 7 minutes with bad combos. So let’s say 6:35 on average. My success rate is 80-90% perhaps. Build is solid, but enemies like Grava or Kaisan can drain your HP quick, so you need to be careful. Also build have low ovecaps, so it’s dangerous if you are debuffed.
Video from Gladiator 6:18!
In SR, build is not really suited. You need more points in physiqe, more points in mirror, better resistances and such. I tried it in SR 75 and can claer it but with aether cluster. Damage on non bosses chunks is sensational though. So fun and quick build. Have a blast!