[] Dagallon Purifier shoots Crucible 5:50

Looks very interesting.

I haven’t gotten around to Bonemonger set, such a strange one, can’t decide what i want to do with it

Cold devo can’t do it. It’s more for fire or mixed elemental.

You should see the whole collection of my elemental bonemonger… :crazy_face:

So much for gunslinger being dead. I guess nerfs inbound.

That’s a very good time for Dagallon or any dual dmg build. Abomination is brilliant on this.

Actually, what I think is most op in this is the Justice pieces. They alone give this natural glass set enough tankiness to let 2.8da and 15% phys res slide.

I like the idea of Pyre rings but 60% conversion would not be not enough to give up on this concept. If it could be pushed to like 90-95%, Seekers could be interesting.


I’m surprised you didn’t switch to Bane yet. Extra oa and attack speed should make up for the rr, especially as your crit dmg i decent. And the heals… Imo autopick on many aa builds, like Ignaffar used to be.

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Glad you like the results

I’d love to switch to bane. Stats look great, and proc looks awesome and has utility beyond just damage.

However the ‘‘bane’’ of GD end game is how overbearingly important RR is (and phys res, but that’s another topic).

This makes some creative choices end game that don’t check these boxes a compromise instead of a plus, that sometimes even hinders the build.

Bane is a Sustain relic with good stats.

Ignaffar has more Flat dmg, more %dmg and -10% reliable rr. This means more damage by a significant margin (especially vs very resistant enemies) which also means more sustain in the end. So for the sake of efficacy i’m stuck with Ignafar.

I don’t like this and i’ve even given feedback on it two days ago. These two relics were actually give as an example. My idea was that RR should be lowered on most items but also monster resistances. This way rr is still good but creative choices are also easier to make. Sadly it’s very late for such a massive change

Yes i should, we all should

Thank you @RektbyProtoss and @xMaverickx


I agree, RR is a little too important and too focused in specific items/devotions.
What could still be done imo is adding RR to more items/devotions while also lowering the RR value on most items. This would especially adress the problem we currently have with ring choices but even more the problem with mandatory T2 constellations. That is another topic for another thread though, so I’ll leave it at that.

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When i was taking in the whole mechanic system of the game RR mechanic in particular seemed like a hole in the design, or rather something that devs got a little carried away with and it crippled the huge diversity of this game a lot. If you want to make a good build you literally seek for every possible source of RR (except maybe phys in some cases) and its so restricting, so many mastery+playstyles cannot be completed to be viable in endgame because they simply don’t have enough RR.

For instance, Arcanist has huge aether glasscannon potential but if you couple it with a mastery with no RR… Hello Reaper of the Lost, lets restart the game. It would be really great if all RR sources (both monsters and player) and all resistances (both monsters and player) were drastically reduced. But… yeah, it’s such a huge balance pass.

Great build btw. Pew-pew!

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I have tested Bane on couple of my Inquisitor builds and damage is almost the same as with Ignaffar. It might be different from build to build, but Bane’s proc is pretty amazing.

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I was actually running Bane for the longest time simply bc I couldn’t get the damn Ignaffar’s BP to drop. I loved it. All that ADCTH is awesome for this build and the AS brought me up to the 200% cap in combat. It was actually a tough choice to switch to Ignaffar’s after I got the BP finally but I realize the over-importance of RR in this game. The AS nerf to Ignaffar’s made the two relics very close though IMO.

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For double RR mastery, Bane is usually better and safer. Especially if you are playing a non WD spellcaster.

I didn’t test Dagallon to be play it responsibly :smiley: I’ve done a couple of 5 pt seal runs too.

However in SR 75 I’d take Bane. Ignaffar is a drop in the water there.

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Offensively, Bane vs Ignaffar depends on your crit dmg and attack/cast speed. If the former is high and the latter is low, Bane is likely to be better. And of course on rr - Ignaffar is often a better choice for mage hunters (or Iskandra of +1 to arcanist is better and global %dmg is low), tacticians or apostates. Many people switched to Bane after the Ignaffar nerf but Ignaffar is still strong (in a good place, I think).

About rr, my view is again a bit opposed to Zantai’s who prefers normalizing builds and masteries and dumping diversity on the environment (enemy res variance, debuffs, mutators, etc). I think the top res should be toned down especially cold on Kuba.

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I know,

However Ignaffar RR is in a 7 M radius so it most of the time provides extra RR even outside Censure reach or in areas where Thermites have not been cast. This combined with the ‘‘pass through’’ chaos provided by the guns provides killing power that Bane just cannot match.

After posting this GT i’ve moved just a couple of skills around, changed a component and augment and the build has 192% AS before procs (deadly aim mod, battlecry). So really Bane AS is really a drop in the ocean compared to what Combustion does as said above. And so is 4% OA at 3370 OA+ Banner and buffs.

Again i’m not saying Bane is bad. If I were doing SR 75+ I’d probably take it, especially at 80, and get more DA from somewhere. But this build was started for testing it in crucible.

Thanks so much for posting this. Purifier is my first character, and I’m trying out this build (have everything but one ring, amulet, medal, and belt). A couple of noob questions was hoping you might answer if you have the time, as I’m trying to better understand the game:

  • Been using Kilrian’s Shattered Soul in Dagallon chest, I take it this isn’t worth it? Armor much better end game?
  • I had Attuned Lodestone in medal, is Tainted Heart preferred?
  • Astral Ruminations - could you explain why best?
  • If I can’t get the Amulet, is Mythical Heart of Ulzuin suitable?
  • Hell’s Bane and Seal of the Void - could you explain why best opposed to Destruction or Haunted Steel?

Would be massively appreciated! Thanks again.

Glad you like, answers in green :slight_smile:

And here i go to make another char based on a superfluff’s build.

Always solid and fun builds!

Damn I’ve been building Dag purifiers wrong the whole time.

Hey Fluff, how do you rate Dying God’s proc vs Abomination’s? Reason I ask is I’m finding I really am missing the DA from Watcher and can’t fit it in with the path to Abom but might be able to do something with DG.

Overall, I’m noticing a significant difference in damage output with your build (the FS convert from chaos to fire/lightning was a brilliant catch on your part), I just need to shore up its defenses a bit, I’m nowhere near ready to run n gun right now lol.

I also managed to farm a pretty sweet ammy from Kai so I’m pumped about finishing off the build to suit my play style a bit better.

Abomination is pretty sweet.

Why not try another Forgefire Aug in amulet and overcap Word of Renewal + a few points in temper. If DA is what you are missing. You can give up a bit of damage for that. Trim some skills

Cool, will def fiddle with a few things, I’ll figure it out.

Just wanted to confirm with you that Abom’s proc is just THAT good. :+1: