[] Peaceful warrior: no attack, no spell attack, no retal meme Purifier build. 150-170 clear (+actually strong, endgame-viable version)

supporting ur none violence.

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This was precisely what I wanted to do, but never got around to doing.

My suggestion - use this weapon, and lose the amulet.

The aether conversion gimps the build too hard

EDIT: I think the gloves gimps the build too

You lose the RR and attacks from wisps though, then you basically doing no damage.

Stormfire seal, and crown fixes RR.

for the purpose of the meme with no attacks, thats not gonna happen lol. Otherwise you’d slowly go on full offensive.

TBH just add thermite mine and seal and you’d afk and solo the entire game bar some superbosses.

The proper auramancer had motars IIRC.

Ok, then don’t use stormfire.

If my calculations were correct, the 20-30% dps loss from using the agrivix ammy outweighs the benefits from using the complete set.

Hence the reason I started this feedback - Agrivix set - thoughts on making it a fire-based set?

There’s a GT somewhere in there with a similar, unfinished concept of the one done by banana_peel.

Not accusing anyone of yoinking my idea, just glad it works, and voicing out my uninformed opinion

@banana_peel - Another idea I had was a vindictive flame/pyran hybrid using the weapon linked above + agrivix offhand + 3 piece pyran set + 2x eternal pyre ring for perfect conversion.

But I couldn’t handle having 25/16 vindictive flame and 25/16 mortar trap on it, so I never got around to testing it :stuck_out_tongue:

looks like we have a lot of similar ideas lol.

Agrivix amu + 4-piece set bonus gives a lot more than it costs. A LOT.
About the weapon - i missed it cause i forgot about greens. Looking at it now - hard to say. -0.3 to the flame is huge. But so is -8% to ele. And it would seem it matters more against bosses cause you need all RR you can get and the flame will proc every enemy hit anyway.


I’m not sure of full Agrivix is a bad idea here. It’s the only way to get flat rr without an active skill. And aether got 800% with 22 rr versus fire at 2000% with ~70 rr. That dmg is not completely wasted.

What might be an upgrade here is Mark of the Shadow Queen. Alternative setup with Scarab shield and some other amulet is also good for auramancers.

Do wisps on agrivix set deal a lot of damage

When it’s 1-2 bosses left than yeah, it’s a considerable amount because they have 100% uptime and flame single target is not that high.

Decided to play this madness again

Still better than most physical builds :scorv:


this is actually ingenious

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this is fucking hilarious

lol /10chars

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I’ve seen this /10char thing a lot. What does it mean?

Posts must be at least 10 characters long so if you need to fill up your reply, you post “10chars”


Lol. /10char

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Magnificent! Now it’s all so clear.

Maybe I’ll just write laugh outloud. Or even…

Laugh outloud slash ten characters.

Is this HC (and modern patch) viable? :sweat_smile:

Pure awesomeness btw!!! :blush:

edit: if i have the opportunity to craft (any of) these parts which blacksmith do you prefer for craft bonus(es)?

Hardly it’s viable in HC for all content. When you don’t have active skills you have very limited control over your fate. But 130-150 and lower shards should be ok.

Craft for freeze or slow.

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