State of Venomblade

No, I mean I would love to see your spin on non-green version.

I meant “nothing to see” as in “SR Reaver Claw is still going to be a superior build”

while i’m aware that my green version is a gross exaggeration in the name of power, I am really hoping next patch makes this dreaded status on builds stop being badge of honor whilst diminishing others that don’t go by it.

As for full purple, there si not a lot to spin on it aside from Amulet and boots. It’s pretty standard. Devotion may slightly vary but we all go for damage basically

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So hard to beat Final March tho when they give you so much Cunning. And Night’s Embrace with passive rr is just golden for BM.

I thought a spin could be trying Arcane Harmony leggings for full Cunning dump.

I wouldn’t be averse to a world where sub 6 and green free are mutually exclusive. Zantai has his balance range clearly expressed. Shake and bake bag o purple is the bland default fare, why should it ever be exceptional?

I think we’ll have to disagree here fluff. While it might be working as intended, it is not simply an above average placeholder imo.

it’s leaps and bounds ahead of several dedicated sets.

I can’t even imagine the extent a fire AAR sorc in SR set would trivialize the game :rofl:

So don’t imagine? Post ShAARterer, make the pitch.

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I will :stuck_out_tongue:


i find the set boring aside from the art but ask for nerfs then :stuck_out_tongue:

My favorite is when nerfs are asked for and then they get 'em and 500 people who have never been on the forum before show up to ask about what happened. That’s the best.

Made some fresh tests
As @Superfluff said VB needs some careful ninja buffs
There are my suggestions:

  1. Replace 6% phys res bonus for 2 pieces with 6% HP bonus
  2. Make phys res bonus for 4 pieces global and increase from 6 to 10%
  3. Move fumble proc from weapons to the set proc. Add ADCtH to weapons procs (like Bonemonger has, but make it a bit weaker)

Edit: 8% ADQtH would be nice (like Reign of Ice and Fire has, but ring proc deals more damage then VB weapons procs., so it shouldn’t be OP)
Fumble could be removed completely as soon as WH and Dervish has Ring of Steel and Sentonels go for Mark of the Forbidden with its own fumble proc)
Leave this suggestions at the discretion of @Zantai

More like 15. Slam on a belgo relic on SR BM and 5:45 is attainable.

If only really great pants didn’t have confuse :expressionless:

As I said, guy from our Discord achieved 5:30 or 5:35 with Serenity.

And belgo set. I did 5:45 on sr + belgo relic, which is why I said your 30 seconds faster thing is an understatement. I was supporting you man. Or do you love being antagonized?

As soon as I see x1x2 post my eyes turn red and all I see is bloody conflict!

jk, I misread your comment

Phys res one way or another for dervish Vileblade is not a bad idea in the coming patch :wink:

@x1x1x1x2 @mad_lee …all this talk about SR BM is making me feel better and better about my Belgo:)

Or could just reduce enemy scaling on 75 (last loot waystone) to the level of sr 60 instead, with, or without the corresponding adjustments to loot. (This assumes that the scaling is a global modifier, not done individually on each monster’s SR version’s bio file.)

Not since crucible got released.

Well, SR is part of MC. Plenty of SR builds around.

Also, I feel like people enjoy theorycrafting for end game challenges more?

And sometimes happens that an overall-well-looking build is playable only in campaign and probably in SR, getting raped in crucible. Personally have some such builds.

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