State of Venomblade

What I got from this was “nerf star pact and time dilation.”

TD isn’t used by 99% of my builds, ditto with star pact. Or PoT3 for that matter.

EDIT: Besides, it’s not as though these things were buffed recently. In fact star pact, and TD have been hit by constant nerfs.

Thus, it’s not that casters have been the fortunate recipient of OP-buffs. It’s the opposite - DW melee has been the victim of harsh nerfs.

The problem is kinda that ever since the ascension nerf, OK is just too good with TD, or rather too bad without it.

Has TD seen a nerf since AoM? I don’t recall.

No it’s not. But no one use it anyway.

EDIT: oh you mean since AoM, not FG. Yeah, it was nerfed in the spellbinder nerf-fiesta. I think it got its CD lengthen or something.

TD has not gotten buffed since it got nerfed. Ergo, it’s been hit by constant nerfs.

5:25 was my best on a no-green with 3+1. 6-ish is average. I didn’t try full-green this patch but looks promising with this concept of chaos to acid. With greens you can afford Meditation and Deadly Means.

But like I said it’s hardly playable. If to lose offense for better defense, no use playing it at all cause SR set with MQ Claws or Myseries will always be better at everything. This is what I mean by dead build. Makes no sense to play it because sth else is so much better. I don’t mean you can’t kill Cronley all of a sudden or farm Steps on elite.

@sir_spanksalot I agree with your assessment. This is one of the reasons why Deathmarked is utter trash right now. VB despite its ridiculous squish can still handle some anti-melee shit because of ABB, lotsa procs and decent cdr - it’s a hybrid after all. Btw a similar thread should be made about Deathmarked. It’s seriously so shit right now… The more defensive SR set setups on pierce are faster. Deathmarked might even be worse now than what it was before the first buffs, I’m not sure.

Also small detail there…

Pet dominance is long gone, at least crucible cleartime-wise. The fastest pet build that’s somewhat competitive with top-tier casters, Sig’s WH/Ghol cabalist, got a fantasy green as a core item. Without it it’s just a good mid-tier.

@thejabrixone I use TD, loud and proud.

Ok so, I had time to put the build together yesterday. I built it the way I would have done it for myself, and the way I would have posted it if that were the case. Has 3x greens. Shoulders, ring, Boots.

That being said, I only had time for a single run. I had a little bug and wasn’t able to use Tainted Eruption throughout the run.

5:30 on first attempt without tainted eruption. I expect to get a bit better times as I get a bit more accustomed to the build today and the Tainted Eruption problem is fixed. I am still vileblade noob :slight_smile:

It has a lot of potential and I enjoyed playing it that’s for sure

@Superfluff Lemme guess… Thunderstruck Zant shoulders of Kings, Stonehide SG of Arcane and some Viloth ring with lotsa %acid. Try that Venomtongue shoulders and full Abomination. Item looks crap but that conversion is really worth it imo.

Anyway VB is one of the builds that’s most affected by green facelift in the whole game. Building it no-green is very hard, and most of my comments relate to no-green.

understandable. It’s always been like that for Acid DW since vanilla. acid WH especially. din’t use of kings though :smiley: and after rushing it together yesterday I think Arcane winds isn’t necessary either.

The coming patch will affect many builds with the massive list of changes. There will be many ninja buffs for us to figure out. You can be optimistic about that.

Until that time comes I built it the way it looked best.

Also about Abom. I think that fits WH more. I made the build more DoT oriented. It has 400K dots vs dummy and kills it in 13-14 secs depending on luck.

These dots are a lot of fun in cruci, once procs and rr starts it’s like a lethal injection and you move on to your next target. Poison dots feel a bit more reliable than frostburns on the breaker i made for example

Yeah, DoTs on VB almost compete with Bloodrager. Plus the mega AoE from 1.1s ABB + Tainted Eruption. Are you using Meditation + Deadly Means or something with Nidalla?

Abomination, yeah, it’s way stronger on witch hunter but even on dervish 60% of it is very good. Especially when you got the uptime boosted by Path of the Three.

This and lvl 22 Repertoire which is sweet. Ravager breath on off hand

The idea was that you can’t say X build is bad because just because it can’t do 150+ without one buff.

150-170 is meant to be harsh not just farming grounds. The fact that a player goes there with our without buffs is really up to the player.

And the reason people do 150-170 over and over is not all for farming that area but for getting better kill times

Makes sense for more DoT from ABB. But the 10% chaos res on Dreeg’s Spinedust…

Anyways, greens make it heavenly. Just tested my setup:

GT GREEN SUICIDAL: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXmKqL2 (crafted all slow res)

But imo if a build can’t be made no green and viable for 170 3+1 then it’s de… deserving buffs. :wink:

I can agree to greens but not really the buff parts. I don’t think a build is BS if it’s more likely to be successful with a pair of Nemesis shoulders for example. A green is fine. If the build cannot do shit without more, like 3+ then it’s a big problem for that build

a bit more Chaos res could help Dervish a lot imo

As for misc buffs. We will have to wait and see :slight_smile:

i only added non-pet becuse i dunno anything about pets :stuck_out_tongue:

@Superfluff @ya1
Why are you arguing about Crucible? I didn’t say a word about it. My VB is invincible in current Crucbile even without greens. Watching your timers, you miss the whole picture. Sorry, if it sounds cocky.

I absolutely LOVE your fun and sarcasm, but sometimes it’s better to be a little more adult :wink: . However, I’ll follow your advice and give more detailed answer about VB state for @Zantai .

As I wrote in the guide:

The problem in SR is that you might be bursted and lose all safe abilities in a second. Active defence<passive defence, unfortunately.
That’s why I would like to exchange some offence for good defencive buffs.

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Indeed and I can “pretend” to be adult when the occasion calls for it. I wasn’t slamming you in here any, as you saw, as much as it was about slamming other outrageous claims.

You know how tedious these “State of” threads can be sometimes. I’m just here to liven it up and call bullshit when I see it is all.


I replied to what Ya said about crucible. And he did so first. So scold him for doing so first :stuck_out_tongue:

If your VB is truly invincible in crucible I don’t see why it would have so much issue at SR 65. I’ve played DW glass cannon at SR 75 and wasn’t 100% full proof but was doable for the most part.

At SR 65 a more defensive version should be alright.

Also if you have read all the posts, the next patch will be relevant to SR players not only crucible as far as various buffs go

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