Same old story here. Long time player, nearly 1000 hours but has been largely casual in terms of experimenting, builds, progression, etc. The game has these intense boss difficulty spikes that literally force you down this path in Ultimate even though the rest of the game is very manageable, even the next boss might be killable but the one you just fought was nearly impossible. I’m here because I just got past that boss on Ultimate…Ramzul, High Priest. Stun locked by towers, 1 shot by almost any damage, limited kiting space…rough fight.
The nemesis boss fights…forget it. That’s another reason I’m here.
I’m not familar with this process, but I have thick skin and really do want feeedback on where I’ve gone so terribly wrong because it feels like I’m fast approaching the ‘no fun zone’ with amount of deaths, individual boss difficulty, etc.
Let me have it!!
My build:
Build originally based on
[] DW Pistol Purifier (lokarr 21sec)