[] War Druid of Cairn - Bleeding Druid SR 75

33,6%, to be exact

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Thanks, that was my math, too. :joy:

Well, quite good and only a little bit lower as additive.

If you want some math task completed in GD forum ask a Swede. Malawiglenn isn’t at the forum, so… :wink:

Added Save-File if someone wants to try it. :slight_smile:

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More than I was thinking it was! Should help a bit even if it comes last in the order of defense, correct?

Always appreciated when people do this sort of thing!

When seeing the thread name:
“WAAAT?! Who would even play something like this?!” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Checking who’s the author:
“Oh, right” :rofl:

Well, actually you’re not the first :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, didn´t know about that build. Then credits go to Chthon. :partying_face:

Yep, no great armor at this build, Physical Resistance is decent and Health could be more. So it surely helps.

This is meme-build police, stay where you are!


This is the beginning of Rhylthar becoming tbe Maya of bleed builds. Excited for bleed warlock!

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For example I will. :wink:

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It already happened with the Vindicator. Maya is the Rhyltar for pets :smile:

Now add Blade Arc Warlord, Blademaster, Death Knight etc.

Feedback is always appreciated. :slight_smile:

Don´t think it´s possible…but next thing to think about: Elementalist. :wink:

This build is now officially SR+. :slight_smile:

Meh, Elementalist. It literally have elemental in it’s name.

Last build to be tested, then I have a viable Bleeding Build with every mastery in-game. :partying_face:

what a lovely build <3

cthon would be proud!

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And you still have 3 seconds to throw your mouse through the room :rofl:

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Sometimes I don´t have to because I can run away or kill the enemy in 3 seconds. :wink:

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I sometimes wonder if I was on drugs while playing the game back in the old days.

Good build btw, seeing Bleed Druid do SR means the game has come a long ass way. Also good to see an old face like you is still around posting stuff.