After seeing all those conversions on the new weapon. I wanted to take it out for a spin. Rift effect seems to carry the weapon just like thunder carries Arctemporal Sword. I have decided to go full vitality Oppressor for Double RR and Blood Knight gear for even more RR. I wanted to move out of obvious SS build too. Here is an AA WPS build.
We get a WHOOPING %51 physical resist with this weapon which is huge. I suggest you guys enjoy the weapon before it gets nerfed. Harbringer of Souls buff also allows us to have enough attack speed to carry weapons lack of speed.
Bone Harvest and %75 WPS is our main damagers. Pets also deals enough damage that you can kite bosses if needed. I killed zaltarin most of the times like this.
Yea I thought about rotgheist aswell, but non spam Primal Strike did not get buffed, which is kind of a bummer… For vit spam PS, wildblood should be better I guess.
It might still work with savagery though, insane phys res conjurer. Again loses AS compared to wildblood though.
Soulrend is a fine weapon now imo. Definitely not op, but good/viable.
Some people complained that Rotgheist doesn’t fully convert Torrent’s damage to Vitality and that AoE suffers because of it. Now they can get to 100% conversion thanks to this weapon.
I tried one recently, best way to level with this is going pure oathkeeper s&b physical/fire RF with wps, just take necrotic edge, reaping strike and spectral wrath from necromancer line. You can respec everything when you reached 94. It’s safer and faster, ofc you can go shield throwing+ vire’s might but I don’t like that combo.