[] Bone Appetit! Vitality CDR Bone Harvest Oppressor - massive damage, Crucible 170/SR 75/Ravager no consumables

Build is updated for, credit to @tqFan.

New GT - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4L0b0N
New Video:

Oh and amulet’s augment is Irrah’s Blood in case you don’t like to scroll endlessly :smile:

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Once Nightbringer dropped for me the other day, I knew I had to find some build to fit it in… and this build was it. This is a fun af and effective build Nery, thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:


Vacuuming trash with Judgment (and proccing Hungering Void) right into your Bone Harvest is :ok_hand:

Also highly recommend playing the build with controller. Without any external programs Big Picture allows:

  • binding Judgment + Bone Harvest + Ravenous Earth (+ Ascension) to one button

    (hold to spam, initial order of attacks when they’re off cooldown can be easily configured
    I like Judgment -> Bone Harvest -> Ravenous Earth and after that any skill fire when off cooldown)

  • binding Vire’s Might + Amatok to one button (movement not blocked, both spammed as soon as off cooldown)


what is this sorcery?! cries in GOG

Hi there, wanting to make a comeback and controller’s are what keeps this alive. I finally got steam’s big picture to recognize my controller (after uninstalling the random controller usb device and having it being found in human interfaces), now I am trying to figure out how you bound all those attacks to one button?

To any mod reading this, please move it to the following thread.

I’ve made a guide so if you have any problems please write your next post there.
You may need to turn something on in Steam also in-game there are some options for it to work

But for example to autocast 3 skills (see the pictures in the aforementioned thread)

  • I bound them to i.e. Skill 2, 3 and 4 (not Skill 1 / interact) in Grim Dawn

  • Then I set normally i.e. Skill 2 to Square (PS4 gamepad) in Big Picture

  • Then I add additional activator to Square with Skill 3 and Hold to Repeat (Turbo) on in Big Picture

  • Then I add additional activator tot Square with Skill 4 and Hold to Repeat (Turbo) on in Big Picture

  • I may also change Fire Start Delay if I want to have more controller over the order of spells

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Awesome I will check it out, thanks!
edit: Figured it out already, looking forward to this :smiley:

Dual wield Cold Bone Harvest spammer + Blade Spirit Reaper with buffed Dreadweavers scepters concept

I’ve just planned it but realized I’d still prefer OP build so I’m leaving it here.
Maybe someone will do something with it or just would like to have a look.

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The new medal can be incorporated if one would like the build to be more Vire’s Might focused. I choose not but it is an alternative.


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I think this medal will fit better in Rothgeist set. Actually when look for new MI items completely missed that one, so many stuff to try. Some will be OP, some will be tough to use in a build.

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I think I’ll use it because I have Tectonic Shift 12/12 anyway. And 15%/12% Reduced Target Damage from items so I’ll remove Ravenous Earth and bind Twin Fangs to Vire’s Might or Guardians. I even have maxed out Clarity of Purpose.

The Vire’s Might has 1.56s cooldown and 265% Weapon + 650 Vit damage. Not too shabby.

Still your version is better but I like the Vire’s Might part and it makes the build less caster more knight imo.

It’s looking good!

Also your DA is higher than mine, so you can afford to lose the DA
from Ghol’s set bonus.

And medal can roll vitality damage and improve the build, nice!

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Omg. In the grimtool I linked Soul Harvest is at 21/12. And I had 1 spare point that I didn’t know what to do about so I put it to Judgment.

But then I looked at Soul Harvest and you only needed to invest 15/16 to max it out before!

So I still can have 22/12 Soul Harvest and everything is tight literally to the point. This is a sign it has too be this way :rofl:

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I noticed 21/12 SH and I was ‘‘that’s the price you pay for the medal’’. Nope still 22/12 :slightly_smiling_face:

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In Diablo 3 it was also my favorite build. The difference is that you didn’t alternate Charge and Slam but you had to Charge 5 times in between every Slam to maximize damage potential because every Slam ate 5 stacks you were accumulating one by one with every Charge. The Slam damage was proportional to the number of stacks it was eating, to the maximum 5. You also needed lots of Cooldown. Oh, and charge didn’t do any damage.

Hey tq,
I agree this kind of build does have promise!

I was tinkering with something similar, but I opted to go heavier on Blade Spirits by completing the Chillwhisper set and took a different set of devotions (went for Leviathan instead).

It feels kinda of weird since this build has the kind of gear that could have easily just been a Drain Essence - Reaper instead - but at the same time I think this kind of build still seems very strong on paper: grimtools: Cold Reaper - BH/Blade Spirit

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Looking for Nightbringer builds and your seems to be very strong. I have almost all gears beside boots and pants.
Can I check two things?

  1. Can I facetank Callagadra with Bone Oppressor?
  2. How about the performance in new patch? Something changed?

Yes it’s a strong build but…

  1. Nope, don’t think so. Ravager can be tanked, Calla not.

  2. Nothing is changed, I think. Build should still be strong.

I created a new character last week and have been following this build. Just hit 94 and have had a good time with it so far.

Any reason not to put at least one point into Foul Eruption?

hi, question, have you tried the new MI medal, maybe adding vire might and harbringer of souls?
nightbringer+basti ring for full elemental to vitality conversion for volcanic stride. Nightbringer will convert most of the acid to harbringer of souls on the mark of plagius also.
we will lose the path cdr tho
