Hi and welcome to the forum!
You are not blind, Amatok’s Breath is granted by the movement rune on the medal. There are some rune recipes granted by FG cult factions, some higher level are random drop.
Hi and welcome to the forum!
You are not blind, Amatok’s Breath is granted by the movement rune on the medal. There are some rune recipes granted by FG cult factions, some higher level are random drop.
Oh ok that makes sense then, thank you for the help!
I’ve adjusted it a bit (11 resilience instead of guardians), passed throught SR90 to SR100 in one run. (no pharm/grains were used, with the exceptions of malmouth anti-aether potion, anti-freeze and -%burn and frostburn duration)
Unfortunately, I’m not able to download any videos right now, so I only have this screenshot
WoW, really impressive achievement!
To be honest I can’t personally pilot a build to that deep shards, thanks for trying it out!
Nery, thanks for making me a ‘Vitality Forcewave’ build (even better tbh because the cone is wider). Nicely optimized.
What I would like to ask about is the DW version with two Bonescythes (Eldritch Bonescythe of Insanity for example) . Have anyone attempted/tested such a build? I wonder if there’s some cheese like double flat damage or hitting using two weapons with every strike. Recharge is 0.89 with 60% more hits I think.
[edit] Although after a closer look it doesn’t seem to be worth it at all. WD% is too strong in this one.
Vitality Forcewave, hmm never considered Bone Harvest looks similar.
About 2H vs DW, the skill transmuter is helping me do lot’s of damage. Bone Harvest is like Blade Arc - 2H version is superior. Although DW will work too.
For example you see how much effort was put into Deathguard set to make it decent, after sucking for so long. I was testing max CDR Acid Bone Harvest Oppressor with 1H Weapon+Off-Hand, decent build actually.
Also an idea is to use the set for DW Oppressor with RF and WPS skills and Bone Harvest as nuke.
Just wanted to share that a Thunderstruck prefix for the pants is a very good alternative if you’d like to tweak the build to your liking.
It has Stun and OA too but you lose 25% Vit res (which can be compensated by 1.1.6 recommended Voidwalkers) and 40% Vit damage which is not much but gain a whooping
Especially Ele can be useful since the build has 87% + 20% Fire and Lightning Res with 2 (Fire + Lightning) augments so it kinda struggles for that Elemental Res
Nice suggestion, defensively extra stun and elemental is very useful. Skipping Demonic decrease a bit the damage output, since build have so much flat.
Imo worth it because you got really high total 3000% Vit global multiplier so -40% is like 40/3000 ~1.3% less damage
It’s not like 120% / 2000% = 6% which is sometimes the case. That would be a big hit.
However, you’re not dying anyway so every % counts
This is how the character is moving with 12/12 Tectonic Shift (Vire’s Might is affected by CDR in contrast to Amatok).
Used GDAutocaster
[periodic casts]
to have both movement skills on Space and to always prioritize Vire’s Might because it then enables 3 charges in a row and only then there’s a short break.
Hey, Nery. I saw tqFan’s pants suggestion and remembered ya1’s 2Hand devotion setup for a dark ones build. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4Vx7yXb2 You gain the Vit res and more damage back from taking Wendigo (bound to empyrion) and Revenant (bound to reaping strike) but lose Ghoul and Scales. Would that make the build too squishy?
Oh, it’s totally possible, although Scales+Ghoul gives you unparalleled fortitude. I know Wendigo+Scales is possible, but not sure if it is for 2H, since Kraken is so good. But overall my route is pretty optimal. Only thing worth taking is the higher cast speed, from Wendigo and Revenant.
As for procing Reaping Strike is bad idea. Single target WPS on low proc chance and low speed. Better use movement skill.
I tried various devotion maps
for example maps with Revenant so that I have even bigger pseudo pet army
maps for MS (not needed in fights with constant Hungering Void and outside fight with double movements skills as I showed in the video)
maps for more OA (also not needed with Ascension and Crushing Verdict DA debuff)
but in the end I’ve came to a conclusion Nery’s map is the best
By the way Ghoul with 35% CDR is OP. That’s less than 20 s recharge instead of 30 s
The only thing I don’t like is Omen proccing Twin Fangs kinda sucks, at least on single target but tried it on a few zombies and still wasn’t great. But Bat stats are good on their own in addition to proc so still worth it.
For now I’m planning to skip Omen for mainly QoL/scripting reasons and the build has permanent 12% - 15% Reduced damage already from multiple source but it’s still a big difference from Omen’s 25%, especially when doing the hardest content. I’m also skipping Bat for OA map but this is because I always make changes at least for the sake of changes + low Twin Fangs proc rate pisses me off but still think Nery’s setup is optimal.
OA map with the addition of Viper and Spider (Rattosh is there but not in the picture):
I actually didn’t try different maps, so thanks for your input!
Your map is very good. For Bat procing you can sub Omen with Ravenous Earth, RE is one of the premier procers in the game.
oh, thanks for the explanation. I’m still learning about devotion proc rates as I go along. Wouldn’t Guardians of Empyrion be a better bat proc over Omen? I’ve set it there while leveling since i hardly ever need to use Omen when the monsters melt pretty fast and it’s always on/
I’ve tested it because as I said I was planning to skip Omen and IMO no, Guardians are not a good proccer either.
Maybe I’m just spoiled by proccing devotions with Wind Devils and Storm Totems for a long time.
I am planning to update the guide and deduct points from Guardians and Omen and take RE. Better proc to Bat should compensate the need to cast it more often. Plus I don’t spam skills, so not bad idea
If you play with Occultist Pox is mega good procer as well.
Vire’s Might + Volcanic stride on oathkeeper is a great combo (with bat) as well.
I’ve retested proc rates and here are my results:
RE is great just as you said. With that I think I’m going back to your map since now proccinc Twing Fangs is satisfying
Omen sucks ass
Guardians suck too but not as much as Omen
Also thanks very much for updating.
RE then it’s settled. I am surprised Omen sucks. In Crucible the chance to reduce damage across the whole screen is good but against single target you lose procing and RE should also deal better damage. I suggest to put RE at 6/16 at least for increase of fragments and max Decay, in current setup 15/12 is the limit.