[] Monster Reborn! Cold Flames of Ignaffar Infiltrator in ~ 6

Like your ideas.

I tried fire version but as Purifier. Didn’t like the survival, which is odd. I took Consumption of Agrivix as off hand, it have Foi modifier.

For energy regen I used 3x Arcanum Dust and 2x Creed’s Cunning. I think for casters that’s good combo.

I like your devotions map but still it’s bad to have only 6% permanent physical resitance. If you can net Formidable prefix on chest and use 1x seal of might maybe will be better. I would use Shadow Queen medal, no DoT damage but skill bonus and mod to Censure.

Btw another idea for FoI build:

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Thanks, I’ll comply with your tips (and also wear Fatewaver’s Raiment - it’s too good to pass up).
Your build is charming, Arcanor, no conversions, pure elemental damage and Arcanist.
It’s hard to grasp for me why it has such good times with so little RR.
Btw I’ve just found out Rektby once did a dual-wielding Mage Hunter :slight_smile: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNk6y5QZ

Here’s the fire Infiltrator after corrections: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXX0G9N
Only 5% more Phys Res but considerably more Armor. Also Arcane Spark (makes a tremendous difference) and different Devotion (Chariot, Ulzuin instead of Seru). What I disliked about Seru + Sage combo is having to bind Flames of Ignaffar to one of them (because neither Inquisitor Seal nor Blade Barrier can be bound to them) and then you need to proc i.e. Elemental Storm (or Eldritch Fire/Rumor) with Inquisitor Seal which kinda sucks. Procing i.e. Storms with FoI is instantaneous, their number is higher and they are better placed. update

GRIM TOOLS :arrow_right: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrm9P0V

Crucible run of 4:53!


And here’s a Chillheart conversion variant for comparison that I have
made for myself for chilling out in Main Campaign, no pun intended.

Also here’s a comparison between how Cold FoI looks with lowest,
performance settings vs slightly tweaked:

For me it’s Crucible vs Main Campaign settings.

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Beginner vs pro cone (artist).

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