GrimSheet: Endgame Build Table - ETE edition [v1.41]

i don’t think that they are impossible to get, according to my farming experience.
and even if they are impossible, than their impact over build is far lesser, than the sheer brokeness of retaliation and RTA. Other builds with so called “impossible to get MI” aren’t performing as nearly close as retal does. so the nerf of it is absolutely justified.

That logic I can buy.
Class: Witch Hunter
Author: Valinov
Patch Version:
CR timing: 4.50
SR: -
Naked CR: -
SR speedrun: -

Not surer how to label it. For now maybe just by a filler skill
Chain Lightning Dreegal’anore by Valinov
as you could make a similar build around Winter King’s Might / Voracious Reach.

Class: Elementalist
Author: @TomoDaK
Patch Version:
CR timing: 4.48
SR: -
Naked CR: -
SR speedrun : -

Stun Jacks / Storm Totem / Maelstrom by TomoDaK
(all the skills above are hardcapped)

:mega: This is not a Light’s Defender build. I repeat, this is not a Light’s Defender build :mega:


Looks similar to mine :slight_smile: Also worth repeating that it is not a cyclone set either :wink:

btw you have 23/22 full spread

[] The Winter Birds! Cold Pets (2x Familiars) Bysmiel Conjurer
Class: Conjurer
Author: Nery
Patch Version:
CR timing: 6:02
SR: - 85
Naked CR: -
SR speedrun -
Superbosses: Mogdrogen, Ravager

Also this one:

[] Monster Reborn! Cold Flames of Ignaffar Infiltrator in ~ 6
Class: Infiltrator
Author: Nery
Patch Version:
CR timing: 4:53
SR: -
Naked CR: -
SR speedrun -


I usually don’t get weigh in on balance discussions because I’m nowhere near a good player. I’m basically a 1 armed player with 4,000 hours in the game. The idea of nerfing retaliation builds disappoints me for maybe selfish reasons. I have a very hard time playing pianos, or the PoE flask type mode. With about 40 maxed out characters, retals are comfortable enough, but the trade off I’ve found is they seem to be very slow killers, some I made a year or 2 ago don’t work at all. Crate has been great at buffs and not too many nerfs. I keep all my characters and the non-viable ones just have to be rebuilt , which can be very expensive in materials. Whatever they decide I’ll happily accept and be thankful for, but I hope there remains room for players that are nowhere near “elite” and still reach maybe recognized end game…i.e Nemeses, 60 or so SR, some of the Celestials.

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Or maybe don’t update your game and create The 1.1.8 Resistance Group in retaliation for the retaliation nerfs.
Next, you make your own patch / mod with various buffs compensating for old nerfs to lure thousands of players.
When eventually all play The Community Patch, :zantai: has no choice but to abdicate once and for all.

Yes, I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.


Update for Aether DE Spellbinder:

Class: Spellbinder
Author: Alkamoshater
Patch Version:
CR timing: 5:20
SR: 110
Naked CR: -
SR speedrun -
Superbosses: Ravager

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Changelog is updated. Haven’t yet included there tqFans acid WK WH, because i want to test this one in SR. (and because it’s similar to Valinov’s one.)

It seems like you’ve failed the paladin challenge, so how about a new one: make non lightning vindicator. The diversity of this class is garbage.

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For Crucible actually fire Totems can be fast but I don’t expect great results elsewhere.

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great class of lightning and totems. And totems and lightning.

If it’s vindicator then it’s totem box devils. No matter the damage type :rofl:


I have fire vindicator (desolator). Will play it more next patch

Cold ranged savagery is close to being possible, but needs some +savagery love (can’t wear korba helm and complete stormserpent set; northern wyrm doesn’t give +2 shaman; lightning -> cold to manually balance is then limited to 1 shoulder for 30%). Lord knows pierce can stack savagery to +50 by the time you get items completed somehow, so cold could use some love outside korba weapons carrying it all

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Not sure how you reset Tributes but I used GDStash and found it very tedious / immersion breaking while doing Crucible runs.

Here you can find GDHacker that can freeze Tributes so that you can provide :crate: with even MOAR build performance tests to balance builds better or at least test MOAR comfortably.

You can either

  • use it alone as a command line tool / shortcut with arguments to freeze Tributes for one launch of the game

  • combine it with GDAutocaster that detects the game automatically and freezes Tributes when the game’s window is active

    • can be fully automated so that Tributes are always frozen without user’s interaction whenever you play Grim Dawn even after computer restart if you add GDAutocaster to startup with proper arguments

All this assuming it actually works on machines other than mine which I’m not sure yet and be grateful for feedback.


GDHacker + GDAutocaster can also dynamically change game’s speed while in-game.

  • you can try to cheat Crucible with it by speeding the game up here and there
    to spare a few seconds hoping nobody can notice that in the recording :thinking:
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I suggest to make visible on-screen what cheat is enabled like Grim Internals shows when you speeded game.


Added “Author” and “Game Version” columns so now it’s easier to navigate.
Deleted SR Speedrun, because only one person have submitted them, and i didn’t want to lower the reqs, hence that would be meaningless.
Added a couple of builds that i’ve found on forum since 30th of November, yet i’m more than sure that i missed some of them. Also I almost didn’t add anything from builds people i’ve seen from “”“official (not official)((and now it’s official again, goddammit))”" discord. Sorry for that, my memory is quite a garbage.

Just reminding that submission form is still available and saves me a lot of time.

it’s not all the changes, since i want to introduce major ones when the 1.1.9 is out, so it’s not 1.30 yet.

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Class: Shieldbreaker
Author: Retal_Abuser
CR: 4:57
Naked CR: 6:03
SR: 100
Superbosses: Crate, Callagadra, Ravager

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Obsidian Tremors Commando: [] 1,900 Base Regen Obsidian Juggernaut Commando

Class: Commando
Author: thepowerofmediocrity
Patch Version:
CR timing: -
SR: 85
Naked CR: -
Bosses: Avatar of Mogdrogen