[] Mind Warp Blades of Krieg. DW melee aether Spellbinder + bonus build

So you arent actually trolling. Ok.

Several flaws in your arguing. First of all, you need to consider the end dmg output. If you don’t believe my calculation you can simply check in the dmg box, watch your replay and:

  • see the amount of dmg the spear does
  • observe the consistency of procing. does it really proc EVERY second of your run? spoiler: it does not

Have you done this? I have. This is why i’m so adamant on how much dmg does the spear do throughout the run.

Next. Spear only does full dmg of the build when it strikes someone near you because it is affected by all your RR. Melee attack on the other hand does full dmg. Again, watch ONE replay with a melee build with spear and dmg numbers turned on.

Next. DW has mutlitarget attacks: 25% + 12%. And WPS have high flat. You decided to forget about that.

Again, make sure to check the real dmg output of the build. Not sure what single target does this build have but my similar Sorc kills dummy in 18 secs. It goes through 14.2(?) mln health. 790k dps and that is only single target. After you deduct proc dmg (lets be generous and give it 100k) you get 690k dps. +11 AS/CS give it a 6% dps increase (and more when you have -speed mutators)

So the final result for my build would be:

+11% AS/CS

  • 41k (single target) dps, vastly more in a multitarget environment


  • 25k hit (+% based on the current RR applied to the target) less often than every second to a single target affecting several targets on rare occasions

Finally. Capped or nearly capped AS (and CS) in my experience are infinitely more important for survivability of a melee char than some inconsistent 60% WD proc. But this point is subjective.

Only you already did not forget. And i’m too old to fight someone’s bloated ego, i had my share of it back in the glory days of the forums. So i’ll leave you alone.

A guy who rants about cold dmg being bad, laughs at my idea of no Seal on Infiltrator and then, a month after that, posts one of the fastest builds - cold Infiltrator. With no Seal.