[] Return of the DW Krieg aether Battlemage

Any proposal how to tweak it with a conduit having Poison instead of Chaos as well as on a char who sided against Barrowholm :frowning:

Whatever i tried my resists suck big time (and i took full Aeon instead of the spear proc which i think sucks big time).

I hate conduits in my guts as they are the most unobtainable RNG based items in the game if you target specific resist like Chaos here - i even duped lots of mats to see how many tries it takes to get that conduit - 80 tries later i still didnt get 1 with chaos res + the Aether cadence mod…So had to use my legit one with Poison res (50).

Are you having troubles with res augments distribution? Or stats distribution?

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/ - resists with solid overcap for SR are an issue as especially once i replace the pants with the one from your build.

Probably its because i have aeons but double mirror, double kriegs skill etc its really nice to have - not to mention those ghoul resets.

You haven’t inserted the link, dude, you should push “extract” button in your grimtools link.

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2EwYm8Z - damn it sorry about that - Friday after work…

Looks okay-ish. But I like those pants for physical resist and points into Cadence. They also let us almost cap walking speed which is somewhat important. Not sure about Aeon. You need a seperate activator for that, like Callidor’s Tempest with a transmute. Otherwise you can’t spam Krieg’s Wrath as often as you want, and it’s a great aoe clearer.

But why not take initial setup? Also, you are losing on damage by using these augments and not dumping into Spirit.

Just built up the mats for an Agrivix’s Malice, out of curiosity what is the best BS for the completion bonus? Just coming back to the game after 3 years, seems like Valdrick or Horrus would be good for the resistances.

So decided to test it in the current patch. Died first time when I caught Aether res mutator. Build became a bit sad (more in tune with the class, lol) after Aether Corruption nerf. Super min-maxed spec does 6:50. Survivability will be hard for non min-maxed specs and for average pilots. Removal of 8% of Aether RR hurt this one a lot.

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Now that Edge of Sanity has a -20% Aether RR proc, has somebody tried to include it into the build, or is two Mindwarp still the way to go? I’d like to play a DW Battlemage, and Aether seems to be the most effective way to achieve that.

How are you dual wielding without a nightblade subclass?

Hi, certain items allow you to dual wield even without Nightblade mastery, in this case is the medal. Either Direwolf crest or Korvaak Brand will do the trick.

This build looks fun :slight_smile: May I ask why you use dying god devotion when you use aether damage though ? Just curious since I’m fairly new.

Dying God proc boost critical damage and speed and nodes are good, so can fit irregardless of your damage type.

BUT since it was nerfed some time ago, I wouldn’t take it these days.

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