[] Belgothian Blademaster 100SR/Celestials/75-76 easy farm (videos)

I dunno, I think generally think most builds can solo the majority of the content in the game without much trouble at all - and that builds that can do content like Celestials will have an even easier time with the rest of the game.

Especially since builds that can do Celestials generally have a strong baseline: like the Conjurer I posted, they already have significantly overcapped resists in every category and have a high mix of offensive/defensive stats.

At that point it’d just require a little bit of switching skills, augments/components, or devotions around (making a few trade-offs here and there) to settling on a comfortable set-up that you can pilot. It shouldn’t involve large changes that you can’t make on the fly with a visit to a Spirit Guide and your stash in order to settle on something comfortable - if you have to make any changes at all :man_shrugging:

But I agree, I bet people are less interested in whether or not your build can do X super boss or Y level of SR or Z speed in Crucible - rather they just want cool, thematic or synergistic builds that can do the main campaign and farm normal content

Build that are made for Celestials are pretty awkward in other game mods. It’s not just about rearranging augments and devotions, they feel like literal tanks in a rally race: like they won’t crush, that’s guaranted but they will most certainly come last and would be the least exciting vehicles to drive/spectate at the race track.

In my opinion, you can just gear for Celestial fight ONCE, get the helmet (from Cala or Ravager) and then forget about it. Because SR and Crucible require completely different kind of builds tbh and it’s what you are going to be farming most of the time (actually, all of the time).

You’re very talented builder with unorthodox ideas, you can try build setups that stumps on diverse content.

My fun and what kept my interest in GD is exactly theorycrafting. Since game and Crucible or SR have so many builds possible, going just one super boss will limit your possible builds.

Belgo for example is standard build but as you can see can be made into full blown tank or just the glass cannon!

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Fair enough, but I guess it just depends on who our target audiences are - e.g. casual players, altaholics, farmers, achievement hunters, wacko theorycrafters, etc. - you name it lol

had to google that, damn! Thanks for the lingo!

Amen. :fist:

and @mad_lee I’ll definitely try the approach of sharing future builds with presenting the most general build first - then showing off specs for stuff like X specific content (if necessary, who knows - we might discover a build that is simply too powerful at everything and doesn’t need spec changes from farming content fast to facetanking superbosses :rofl:)


Nah, man, do the thing that is most fun for you. I am just saying that trying to make all-around specs is more challenge and thus it might be more fun for you! But maybe you are getting the most fun out of Cala, specs.

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Haha, thanks for understanding and yeah it is currently what is most fun for me - but ofc it’s subject to change in the future.

But as an aside:

If I want to record in-game videos, from your experiences: how would you recommend I do it - or stuff what like software would you guys recommend?

OBS studio. It’s free, it’s light on your PC resources, it’s super easy to setup and use. As somewhat of a software noob I am enjoying it very much.

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Decided to updated my first self-made build. Changed whole OP post, recorded videos with 75-76 no agroabuse, sr100, celestials. Maybe later I will try Crate boss again, took him to 10% hp, died and rage quitted this frustrating fight.

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Crate doesn’t love melee builds.

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That’s true, worst part is still going for this piece of great design after every death because of these perma-spawned boxes :frowning_face: It’s possible to kill crate using aetherclusters every cooldown and losing his aggro with camera abuse + mobility skills then wait whole time staying in the corner waiting for cooldowns but that’s not really something I would like to try over and over and then post it like “viable crate slayer” :sweat_smile:

I mean that boss was made totally unfair on purpose, I think you shouldn’t bother trying to defeat him with a melee build.

I will definitely no spend few hours in row for like 5% success rate, maybe run from time to time for my own satisfaction. Fight is not bad itself but this whole road to the boss probably takes me and many players off from trying him. From meeles who can be considered viable vs him there are only some retaliation warlords/witchblades variations and battlemages becuase of the mirror.

Use internals to jump directly to edge of reality before Crate room

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That’s pretty good idea! I was never using GI so didn’t know its mechanics. Thank you for advice, I will install it for future crate attempts.

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Why do you put points into menhir’s will on a dw build? Kinda makes me skeptical of the other claims.

My bad, I put automatically one point into MW in every soldier build which I usually make SnB/2H, didn’t notice it. I will correct.

About other claims - you have everything into videos, 1 miss point doesn’t change effects.

Hi, how do you level this build? Tsunami devotion and normal shadow strike?

Hi, for leveling guide there is good one for blademaster: [DW melee] Beginner's Forgotten Blademaster

You can consider my devotion route since start if you want to have specific devotions leveled faster, it should be all ready after reaching level 100.

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