Hi everyone! This is my first build thread. Looks badass right? Not so much. This is not a SR 60+ or Gladiator 150+ build. This is just an avarage build. I made this thread because there is no actual 2H melee sorcerer build around here and I though it will be atleast an example for people want something different. Atleast new players can inspired by and veterans may improve it. Although she can go deep in SR up to 35-40, this build mostly for MC, Nemesises, Rogue-Like Dungeons and Lokarr farming. I can’t push her through Crucible because of my old pc, game crashes when too many monsters with too many skill effects. It happens even in SR and sometimes in FG(Tomb of the Heretic mostly). When it happens I lost data and last progress so it’s very frustrating and also I found SR very boring, I went through to 25 and left it there(It took a while because every one or two shard I alt+tab and waited pc to get cool because I might even break the computer if I lost all progress and rewards again while doing lol

GRIMTOOLS (Updated with a few adjustments)
There are a lot of alternatives which I tried most of all and this is the most balanced and tankier one.
Image from the game with only toggled auras.
SKILLS: Fire Strike, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Mirror of Erectoes, Nullification, Soul Strike
High Attack Speed - %200
-%40/ Reduced %20/ 24 Reduced Elemental RR.
Ok Life Steal - %15
Over Avarage OA and DA - Both +3k
Over Capped CC resists.
%26 Damage Absorption
%24 damage reduction from Light of Empyrion
%68 Crit Damage
250 Defensive Ability Reduction from Flashbang
Low Armor - 1920
No Skill Disruption Resist
Avarage Phys Resist - %26
low Health - 12135
Like I mentioned there is a lot of gear alternatives. There is 3 MI’s on the build and I technically made build around them. Fire Strike doesn’t scale well after 12 points so there is no need to get items with fire strike bonus. You can use SR set, Pyran’s Ruminations or Iskandra Set If you can manage to balance the stats which I couldn’t.
Shoulder is a must get. You may not find with a +2 explosive strike but you should farm one that gives OA and other stats.
Necklace You can of course use another Kaisan like the picture below and get that OA and resistances from somewhere else but I choosed Kaisan amulets because +1 to all skills is almost better than any amulet to this build.
Belt If you are not going to use a kaisan amulet with CC resist, you need this belt because it caps your Freeze Resistance, Vitality>Aether Conversion(which provides Skeletons from Revenant and Soul Strike more damage because you have more % bonus to Aether) and gives nice stats. I used it because it gives very nice OA but you can also use this Mythical Phantom-Thread Girdle
Helmet There is no good helmet for this build except Pyran’s Visage but I choosed this one again for +1 to all skills and other stats. There is also two another choice; Okaloth’s Visage that I haven’t tried and this Ascended Casque that I haven’t get a well rolled one to try.
Chest You have almost no alternative here unless you can use SR set. I did that and couldn’t balance the stats but you can get nicer damage for sure. [GRIMTOOLS LINK with Shattered Guardian Set]
Hands You can use Mythical Runesinged Handguards aswell but I didn’t need more DA.
Pants Mythical Arcane Harmony Leggings is an option and you can change your devotions to balance aimed OA. But I didn’t find it effective. GRIMTOOLS LINK with Arcane Harmony Leggings
Boots There are alternatives like Mythical Boots of Primordial Rage , Mythical Footpads of the Grey Magi , Mythical Deathwalker’s Grace but this one gives more balanced stats and also caps the stun resist. You can also change the component on boots to Enchanted Earth to get more Armor and HP.
Medal This is almost BiS. Of course you can use Mythical Korvaak’s Brand but then you lost 200+ DA.
Weapon Scion of Arcane Force is BiS.
Lokarr Kill.
SR 45
SR 50
With lucky mutators and consumables you can push maybe to the 55+ but with bad mutators you can’t even reach to 50. -%15 players health and +%15 elemental resist to monsters and %60 more health to the monsters are the worst mutator combination. I tried more than a few runs so I’m sure this build can consistently farm 40-45 regardless of the mutators. Ofc one can die if not be carefull among with bad mutators.
It’s easy actually. Explosive Strike has nice AoE and you get plenty of stats from buff even in the beginning and Maiven’s Sphere of Protection gives you tankiness. You can choose other skill while leveling of course but my style is more static. If I’m going to build with melee elemental damage I choose melee Elemental weapons so you need these while leveling The Conduit , Empowered Conduit
This was my third character but was the first one that finished ultimate and thanks to that I farmed everything for my other characters.
Alternative versions
Much Higher Damage but low endurance -
With Conduit of Arcane Whispers -
With Avatar of Mercy, higher damage, much higher capped resistances but very low health -
Again this is my first build, If the thread has lack of information please notice me. And again this build is not for SR 60+ or Gladiator 150+ and even I missed something that you know, I don’t think she will ever defeat other Celestials either or reach SR 70. Unless with new MI patch provides better items. You can easily facetank and kill all Nemesises without need to kite(except Grava because of her Nullification but it’s killable too.) and complete every rogue-like without even being careful.
PS: Btw Joan of Arc name which cames from Jeanne d’Arc hasn’t actually religious means.The name came to my mind this way, I knew I was going to play 2H melee with elemental damage, so technically I was going to be a warrior but with arcanist second class, I was going to be a mage too and everyone knows that people of cairn always stigmatize arcanists as witches. So I was going to become a warrior witch. I dwell on that though for a while then remembered once upon a time a french lady lived. She fought on the front lines of battles in middle ages and people thought that she was a witch and burned her alive because she was wearing man cloths and fighting battles like other men which was not common that time.
PS number 2: I forgot to thank to @RektbyProtoss and @malawiglenn for the ideas they gaved me while the build was still struggling in the ultimate.