Suggestion for a partial revert of the Thermite Mine RR nerf

Thx for the explanation, this helps understanding the reasons better. To be fair Demolitionist did get tankier via Blast Shield. The buffs to Demon Fire and Ulzuin’s Wrath do make those abilities better, but also require a lot more skill points than just one pointing high potency for phys dmg reduction. This combined with having to basically put 13/16 points into TM instead of 10/16 at the very least makes the demo mastery overall more interesting, but also way more skill point starved. Builds that before could just dump 26/16 points into TM, can’t do that as easily anymore.

I don’t have pretty much any data on “overperforming builds” as I’ve been told play only “exotic” builds and HC, so can’t really push the builds to their limits consistenly enough to give you proper data. SR is very inconsistent due to RNG and I don’t play enough crucible. I’ll play some crucible this patch to give you proper data for the underperforming builds.
The Saboteur I have certainly wasn’t overperforming pre patch and isn’t now either (even though the grenado buffs did help a bit, thank you for that!). Neither is the Stormrend Elementalist. Canister Bomb Sorc got nerfed multiple times already, but doesn’t justify taking down all other demos alongside it imo.
Anyway making this thread might have been a little overhasty, but I wanted to make this thread for a topic that many people felt the need to talk about.

From the build compendium:

  • builds using TM only for RR, which imo weren’t overperforming:
  • builds maxing out TM for RR+Damage(+using radius mod), most of which I’d say are/were overperforming. Some of which already have been nerfed in 1.1.7:

Maybe other people have some proper feedback data already.