Have you ever looked for both effective and exciting caster gameplay?
You aren’t able to kite like a pro?
Do you like to blow up anything you see?
There is a very resilient caster with a ton of damage and visual effects . I always wanted to make a thematic grenadier build.
Build's overview
GT link and in-game stats
- It is a very tough caster, who is able to facetank almost any nemesis combo in Cruci
- Easy to pilot
- Very colorful gameplay
- Green medal is very easy to get through killing Kymons/farming Cruci. Stats are optional, you need the coversion on medal
- Mana hungry
- Mythical Spelldrinker + Mythical Tom of the Arcane Wastes make my favorite combo for caster build. Together they give almost +600% (!!!) elemental damage. However, this offhand doesn’t have castspeed or any res. So if you can deal with it I highly recommend to use it.
- 4 pieces of Ulzuin’s set give nice boost to Demo’s skills and damage as well as sweet phys res.
- 2x Mythical Time-Flux Band give you slow res, spirit and bonus to both of fire and lightning damage
- Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm relic is not what you expect to see in Purifier build. BUT you need its +1 to Demo. Why not Korvaak’s relic? It doesn’t have bonus to lightning, also another one button makes the build a bit clunky.
- Gloves and Pants cover your OA, DA and HP requirements not to be fragile.
- And, finally, this green Kymon’s Badge. For the first, you need just the conversion for Grenado. For the second, it’s very easy to farm this badges in the Blood Grove.
Craft your gear for stun res and one for pierce.
Gameplay advice
Crucible gameplay:
Drop seal for defence and RR proc and start throwing mines and grenades everywhere - PROFIT! The build is able to facetank almost any combination - heal yourself with WoR, then wait for Blastshield proc with Giant bound to it, after few seconds Blastshield is off use health potion, then heal youself with WoR again. The next Blastshield is somewhere ready.
Shattered Realm:
Watch careful for the combination you’re dealing with. Don’t try to facetank heavy melees without your Blastshield and you’ll be fine. The build is tough enough to farm 75-76.
Watch build's performance
7m UNBANNERED run - should be much faster on a good PC. John Smith did ~5:50 with banner. 30s longer then full Ulzuin, but way more tanky for those, who aren’t good at kiting.
Full 75 run + no aggroabuse
Full 75 run with Reaper and Grava killed