I really enjoy all your builds, playing a couple right now. I have all kinds of gear I’ve gathered but I’m poor at making my own builds , so I’m putting all the sets in my stash to use with a lot of your builds.
@omnitrio I love all of your Purifiers. You are a gunslinging God my friend. Is this version the safest for Celestials? I made 3 of yours so far, this version I will get to 94 today. I want an “idiot proof” version to take on Celestials. Thank you so much for your contribution.
Hi and thanx a lot <3
This build can 100% kill Avatar and Lokarr w/o any problems
Heal from pistols are very powerful
But I recomend take Aether Cluster and drink Stormshroud Ointment then you go to Avatar
from 1 lvl you can add 1 point into Demo mastery and use Fire Strike
after that take Inq add 50 points take Inq Seal and Aura of Censure
I recomment 1st time play non-Veteran difficulte
Hi omnitrio, I’m looking for a dual wield purifier build and your guide looks really interesting! Do you think that it is also viable for a (more or less) beginner to GD?