[] Beginner's vitality caster Conjurer guide, how to build monster build from the scratch! Suitable for first character

Lokarr is in a separate part of the area where the Dark One set drops, you don’t have to kill him first.


@Nery. Thanks, this is a whole load of good stuff.

It’s funny, in 1800+ GD hours I’ve never done a vitality caster (I know, I know…) so I’m referencing this guide/info while casually fun-levelling using all the legit shortcuts - merit, xp pots, couple of +XP gear items (not Lokarr - I’m on a reasonably clean start with only a clunky level 98 Grasping Vines character in the same save folder). Playing hardcore, but I feel more safe than usual with this build.

It’s impressive how solid and consistent this build is. I got to 50 in a few hours (merit + xp pots ftw) and it is just so much fun - which is saying a lot after 1800 hours in the game already.

Thanks again.

To anyone wondering whether to try this build, I say definitely go for it.

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Glad to hear you’re enjoying it!

Also I haven’t done HC build yet but good to know this Conjurer is working for hardcore as well. Vitality casters if done right can be pretty tanky and you have freebie physical resistance from Occultist. And lots of sustain.

I just (15 minutes ago) went for the Eye of Ekur - that boss has been a pain on some of my characters but I thought, ah, I’ll just face tank him. No problem, barely lost half an inch of health in the whole fight. Fair enough, I was level 53, but I’ve had to bail from that fight on other builds at the same approx level.


Just hit level 70, sticking to this guide as close as possible, majority of gear is self-found (I had a couple of rylok marks in stash from the one other character in this save folder).

Grimtools of my char at 70: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN49AqB2

I’ve had some decent RNG luck with drops, also worth mentioning that there’s plenty of faction gear to suit this build and you can do infinite free re-rolls on faction gear stats by rifting to another zone with two vendors, opening both their inventories, travelling back to the original faction vendor to see all gear with re-rolled stats. It’s arguably ‘cheating’ but not really because you still have to buy the item, you just get the best stats you can within the boundaries of your own patience.

edit - playing on hardcore if anyone cares :wink:

I had the same experience with this build https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrdpM12 took me 3 seconds to kill him without taking any visible damage to my hp bar :slight_smile:

Hardcore progress update using my best attempt to stick as close as possible to the build and leveling guide at the top of this thread:

Normal totally complete, including almost every side quest and dungeon in AoM & FG. Some I left due to apathy and no discernible benefit.
Notable kills (in Normal):
Mad Queen
Avatar of Mogdrogen
All hidden path guardians & Sentinel

Elite vanilla and AoM complete, FG about half done.

Looked like this at level 84: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zBEzd2

do you have a guide for this build? Why are you having many different types of retal damage, doesn’t it behave like regular damage, making it better to stockpile one single type?

Will slimline the damage later, when I get conversion items… I dont even have any source of RR either at this point :smiley: Almost all soruces of+% retaliation damage is “all retaliation damage” so … just stack whatever until ultimate basically

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always wanted to try a retal build, although i assume that these builds are not what i imagine retal to be like. I imagine retal to be like coming to the monsters and sit there while they kill themselves, while seeing how you have %retal damage to attack, i understand that it works pretty much like a melee build, right?

You can do that for sure. Fervor is just some icing on the cake and to have some stuff to do and to speed up a bit. At this point (I am level 61 now) i’d say 85-90% damage is counter strike and regular retal and targo hammer procs.

are you making a guide for it?

Meanwhile, in the alternate universe of the original thread… I’m currently level 99, melting the poor trash groups in ultimate and running away from the bosses while they also melt.

Level 99 with some decent gear looking like this right now: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvDrBEN

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Latest update on my progress following this build guide as closely as possible… I spent ‘a few’ hours today getting the full Dark One set. I ended up with 3 hoods, 3 raiments, 3 mantles and one grasp. The grasp was the last part to drop, the multiple other bits were a side-effect of extreme farming. I also got a lot of other decent stuff in drops from that Edge of Reality area, it’s profitable if a little annoying (and dangerous in HC).

Here’s the level 100 build/gear as it was before acquiring the Dark One set, so you can see what was used to farm the Edge of Reality area over and over and over… https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRwYwxN

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Another update: Dark One set equipped, a few skill points redistributed due to overcapping past hard cap on Bloody Pox and Wendy Totem. The big news is I killed Lokarr without using any buff pots. Silly, I know, but I wanted to test the build.

This is how it’s looking now: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2B8QekZ


Hey there, nice guide.

I started game as this class a long time ago, but as it was so long ago I didn’t really remember the story, so starting again.

This guide will help give me some guidance for doing the star constellation thingy, which I was purely winging it on before, but cool to see we had similar build ideas, in terms of a DoT character, with AoE, as they’re my favourite.

I was wondering if you could give me some advice in regards to stats though, please? I don’t quite understand what you’ve written in your guide, as I think this is aimed at experienced players.

as a new player (this will be my first character, as I have never finished the game before, and I’m essentially re-rolling here) what is the stat spread I should have, please? Should I be putting points into spirit or body, I’m not sure what you mean in your guide.

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For attributes, your main one will be physique. But at some point if you want to wear off-hand you need spirit points, cause that’s the requirement. For same reason cunning might be needed for the blade. Spirit is also useful, cause it boost your % vitality damage and energy regen. I would say if you start the build put points 4:1 ratio in physique vs spirit or 3:1. Later you can use potion (quest reward) to reset your attributes, so no big deal if you make a mistake or you need points to wear specific piece of gear.

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I am at level 4 now and have just done Phys so far, so will do 4:1 for now.

Dammit, Nery, i am here only for a week, but already in love with your guides))) TY, man, it is awesome, anb this one i am going to try


Thanks a lot!

Hope you’ll enjoy this build. :slightly_smiling_face: