[] Beginner's vitality caster Conjurer guide, how to build monster build from the scratch! Suitable for first character

@Nery @arbitorius

So I did die the first time taking him to ~40% hp when I approached him without potions (didn’t even have health potions) and started stutter-stepping around. Second time I loaded up with some easily craftable potions and facetanked him the whole way without too much sweat. Just gotta spawn Sigils and totems and your debuffs in time (I was basically looking at my skill panel the whole fight, lol). Popped Homestead faction tincture just to be safe. I guess you can change boots to Golemborns and it’s gonna be even easier.

EDIT: I noticed in Grimtools monsters database that of Minds got Elemental damage so deffo drink some elemental resist potions prior to the fight to to take your overcap to 40%+.

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Yeah, sry I messed up my text. Of course I had Stormshroud Ointment on, not the cold one.

Thanks for testing @mad_lee. Will the same setup work for Ravager of Souls, since I have spawned him? Or do you have any extra tipps for (against) him?

He hits with Aether (along with phys). So you can pre-buff with Aether res potion and drink Malmouth faction potion every 30 seconds (it doesn’t have cd).

But you I hope you are doing it with my exact build. Otherwise all this advice was for nothing.

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Like I said a bit earlier in the thread, the only missing piece is Morgos ring, I use a Cursebearer until I can farm Morgos a bit easier (only other character is a not exactly perfectly equipped DW Cadence Blademaster). But I’ll try it out anyway. Thx for the tipps.

Morgo ring is pretty important. But good news - it’s easy to farm. Should take like a day or two of new roguelike runs.

@mad_lee: Just tried him with pharma… killed me at like 5% of his health, my timing was just bad. I will try him again tomorrow, it’s night here and I’m not exactly awake anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

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Tried him once more… nope. Will go for the ring before attempting again :neutral_face:.

Ring increases your heal quite a bit. I would also experiment crafting amulet and dagger for healing effects, but I guess you already crafted them. Do replicate the build to the letter.

Awesome build Nery! I was wondering if there is any possibility of rushing Storm Totem with Corrupted Storm before going back to focus more in Occultist? I love the totems and sad to see them come in so late while leveling. If you think it will be a big step down from the path you suggest I’ll suck it up but keen to get your thoughts!

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Thanks for your comment!

Well, you can try totems first. Wendigo totem can compensate for defense and corrupted totems will give you some attack. My only problem is that if you go totems heavy build, you will have to postpone taking Possession, which is the only good exclusive skill, granting you both offensive and defensive boost.

I have elegant solution though. You can rush Shaman mastery bar and take both totems, as well as Sigils and Vulnerability. Then max Shaman bar and take their exclusive skill, Primal bond for defense or Strormcaller pact for offense. Later on when you advance a bit in Occultist mastery bar remove points from exclusive skill and mastery bar from Shaman - click + button with spirit guide up until corrupted storm.

But this is more complicated route. But it will still work of course.

Thanks for the quick response and recommendation Nery! That sounds like an interesting and good approach, thank you! Keep up the great work with your beginner guides, helps a lot! I’ve already started an RE Oppressor using your guide.

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Thanks for making such a robust guide that includes leveling tips. It’s super helpful for a noob like me.

You mention Eel and Sailor’s Guide in the leveling section but in the Devotion and GrimTools links you take Viper and Eel. Which of these would you consider correct?

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Both Eel and Sailor’s guide are good for early leveling, since they boost your movement speed. So you can take Sailor’s guide but later you have to buy back the points, since devotion map will fail short of one affinity point. Or you can go Eel and then Viper, since they are fitting in the route of taking all of the following devotions: Dying God, Rattosh, Wendigo and Scales.

PS, welcome to the forum! :slightly_smiling_face:

So I’m brand new to the game, and this step-by-step guide is exactly what I was looking for; thanks for this! I’m wondering though, about the “main stats” of physique, cunning, and spirit. In your “GT” links, your values are always way higher than what I can accomplish by allocating points; is this because you’ve already got optimal gear equipped?


Devotions and gear are probably the answer to the difference in stats. Grimtools also takes the average values in item rolls, so depending on rolls you may go higher/lower.


Hey, thanks for the answer, and I’m glad I was at least partially right in my line of thinking. Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something and borking it up!

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Yes @Pirao is right. GT shows average values and items can roll +/- that value. So stats in real game can be slightly better or worse.

And for the traditions, welcome to the game&forum!


Yeah dude welcome to the forums!

You picked the right build guide to start with man, this build is legit and the guide is wonderful. You wont be disappointed!


Hi @Nery, thank you for this amazing build! Question for noobs: how would you recommend to invest stats in early levels?
Also, if playing co-op with another noob, any recommendation for a complimentary build? We’re trying to go hardcore.

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You mean attributes? I prefer physique for earlier levels with few points in spirit. Cunning only if you find good Boneblade weapon, that needs it. But even then now Bonespike is buffed and it doesn’t require cunning.

I don’t have experience in co-op play. But this Conjurer will be suited, since Blood of Dreeg and Mog’s pact are all global buffs and will affect other party members, also Curse of Frailty will debuff many damage types.

I like the idea of DW Dervish, cause Guardians will give you -vitality resistance as well and Vulnerability will debuff their acid damage. But not sure if it’s suitable for hardcore.

Paging @Knife since he play multiplayer more.