[] The Antlion - Rimetongue Blade Trapper, Cold Caster Infiltrator

Build is updated for using new medal MI and new devo. I’m finally breaking into sub 5min cruci run!! :sunglasses:

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Added 4:32 cruci clear run (4 buff + 3 L1 Storm Beacon) by @Plasmodermic:

Thanks for the test, Plasmo!! :smile:


hot damn, Jabby (and Plasmo)

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Did you combine Blade Trap with Blade Burst to the same key? If so, how? Sorry. I’m fairly new to the game.

is this thing still valid? Looks cool, that’s why I ask

I believe its actually better now

It’s somewhatt similar to a few Builds I tried in the past. I think I will take this as an inspiration. I LOVE Blade Trap.