[] Conjurer of the Dark Arts - 6:30m Crucible 150-170, "naked" Crucible, SR 85+, all Celestials, no greens immortal Conjurer

Thanks for the build, it seems strong.
Also thanks for the detailed descriptions which I somehow managed to miss in the comments :smiley:

The post above yours basically describes the skill rotation :slight_smile:


Since Dark One is pretty farmable, is there any point in getting better rolled pieces like for better Chaos to Vit conversion or is it totally irrevelant since flat damage is useless as you said?

Hi, it makes total sense because you are converting damage on Destruction and Eldritch Pact’s proc. I would also try to get a chest with max physical resist and shoulders with max stun resist.

When you farm Dark One set you will have few pieces of same item, you can keep the one with better rolls. Or if you farm Lokarr for his set, you can hit few mages to get Dark One gear.

Ah, that does make sense. Unless I missed something, Chaos to Vit conversion caps out at 89% (30 helm + 30 chest + 29 amulet), right? Thank you as well for making awesome guides. :slight_smile:

Nery: I already have Lokarr’s set and can’t imagine leveling alts without it. I keep getting crap conversion rolls for Dark Ones but it’s still better than farming for Magi rings.

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It really annoys me that the amulet for some reason only goes up to 29%. Every other item with average 25% conversion goes from 20 to 30, so why is that amulet 21 to 29?

Off topic and ultimately unimportant but it’s frustrated me in the past.

You can also roll the dice with transmuting extra Dark One pieces at Act 6 tinkerer if you have enough mats. Ultimately rolls on gear doesn’t really affect this build’s performance much tho.

I am guessing it’s a part of “freebie” design philosophy. But noone really knows. It is provocative tho.

Is there something I’m missing or pink pieces (rainbow mod) like Dark One’s can’t be transmuted? I did check just now to be sure and I can’t.

You’re right and it probably doesn’t matter anyway. I guess it’s a remnant from my Diablo 3 days where every build item has to roll near perfect values and hit xxx breakpoints just to be able to play it. To think I was facerolling campaign while wearing Lokarrs up to 94, lol.

Not sure what that means. But all set legendaries can be transmuted iirc.

Ah, sorry for the confusion. By pink, i meant the special set items that drop from a separate loot table like Kriegs. They aren’t transmutable.

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Unless you’re speedrunning crucible or pushing deep shards highrolling your gear isn’t necessary. That said CDR should always be highrolled as much as possible as it’s the most powerful stat in the game. Highrolling conversion is also needed on some builds but that’s a case by case basis. Physical resist is also a very important stat to highroll.

Not all sets. SR set can’t. Target farmable sets like Dark One might not be able to either.


No MI set piece can be transmuted, and no chest-specific either (Vanquisher, Morgoneth) holds also for epic ones (Alkamos rings)

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Lol, didn’t know that. Well, at least you can farm them in easy mod with this build.

Hi there. I managed to farm the dark one set, but have been unable to build anything capable of surviving ultimate SR yet, so would like to try this build.
I’m still missing the Morgoneth ring and the offhand skull. What are good alternatives in those slots?

Morgoneth Stick or any Vitality off-hand with relevant bonuses. As for ring - any Vitality ring. It’s not gonna be my build at its full power but it would be pretty close to it.

Thanks. Can this easily farm Morgoneth for his ring? I haven’t even attempted him yet.

If you gear around Dark One set well leaving no gaps in defenses it shouldn’t be a problem.

Hey @mad_lee,
I’m right now following the Beginner’s vitality caster guide by @Nery and I’m getting close to lvl 94.
I am aimimg for this Endgame build because I have all items/blueprints but Morgoneth’s ring. But I am wondering at which blacksmith i should craft which item for the build… Weapon, relic, was there more? I didn’t really get the system yet, because whenever i craft, i don’t really get what I expected :thinking:. There are some of the bonusses from the blacksmith but not necessarily all of them.

You can always check Smith bonus in game’s wiki or just by hovering with your mouse over the anvil icon left to the “Craft” button in-game. Here you shoud go for Stun Resist or Freeze Resist or Physique. Relic doesn’t get crafting bonuses.