[] Jessica Lovejoy | Caster Infiltrator | Blade Spirits | Celestials | SR 85 | CR 170


this video with 4 BS

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Build Update


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Another one vid


This has -1 bladespirit after the patch right? so 3 total?

yes :blush:

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If you start the game from 0, how suitable is this assembly? And for survival, does it make sense to take Gulya in piety, if so then why not? Thanks in advance

It is super power build
But too thin
Ghoul help with with survivability but you male less dmg
This build is based on the fact that dead enemies do not deal damage

For 1st build you may encounter management problems
But from 0 lvl you start how Melee DW player and Infiltator very strong in DW Melee
Than you have 94 lvl and all items you will have a better understanding of the game

Salve,volevo chiedere ad Omnitrio se puo spiegarmi il percorso per mettere i punti devozione nella sua build,scusate ma sono nuovo,volevo provarla ma non riesco a metterli


Risolto grazie e scusa il disturbo:-)
bellissima build mi mancano solo gli anello poi è completa grazie

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Will you psot a video about the performance with 3 blade spirts?
You asked for the nerf to grasp of the dead, totally unnecesary, where the problem relied in demonslayer BS summon limit.

I don’t planed made a new video
But I can give information with killing dummy

Base build and

1 BS = 18 sec
2 BS = 16 sec
3 BS = 14 sec
4 BS = 11 sec

Tests were made on patch
In we can use the same off-hand that give 75 more flat dmg or we can use Mythical Iskandra’s Texts in both variations killing dummy will be less than 14 sec

Thx omnitrio! i’m sorry if I was mean last message, it wasn’t my intention

EDIT: BTW, isn’t better to use chains of nightfire belt? It gives +3 BS but no +1 nightblade.
is the off hand still viable? what do you think about DW with Mythical herald of amatok isntead of off hand?

We already have 26/26, why it need another belt?
Build’s belt give OA and +1 to all NB mastery
I don’t see reason to use another belt

I don’t like DW at this build, 'cos we need a lot of mana. Maybe DW better, but for me such game will be uncomfortable

Hey, thanks for the build! It’s been really fun to play. Here’s my grim tools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV1LnJP2

Couple of questions:

  1. In your recent video, you have +4 blade spirit. How is that possible? Or was it just pre-nerf?
  2. In SR70+ my experience is very inconsistent. I still need to get the %Stun Res crafts, but it feels like there are a lot of boss rooms I just can’t do.

HI, video made before patch with nerf

It’s not simple for gameplay build with low Phys Res
You need a lot of practice for good results
But 75/76 are achievable even with few deths

Here we go again

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Thanks a lot <3
So crazy in the end :slight_smile:

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Build Update

Hi! Would there be any way to try to play this as a beginner? I understand the gear would be a lot different, but is there a budget way to work up to it? I’m interested in using Rune of Hagarrad as a main ability.