The weapon, or the ammy
Would be cool. My build uses neither And btw: I cannot even complete Cruci with it ^^.
Mind PM’ing me the GT?
Alright, there you got it:
Back in the days, at the beginning the toon was similar equipped as mad lees version here.
I recognized that Judgment seems to be the biggest nuke in the build. So I decided to pimp that one up - with the medal.
At high shards (and only there) I needed to care about life steal. So I went for wendigo.
At last, the ring plus the sword apply the needed chaos conversion (judgement) and vitality conversion (Wendigo)
Another twist is then Aldanar and Eternity. They supply me with (occasional) perma-Ascension and for another extra BWC/Judgement here and there, which seems to be the biggest DPS increase if you ask me.
The Conduit with the 22RR is very important since the flashbang is always the 1st attack (confuse, etc.). This way the BWC hits 22% harder, since BWC does NOT benefit from its own -rr.
I really cannot complete Cruci with it. But that is only because I suck at it. Proof: I do reach SR73 with it, and probably more.
Playing this one is funny :D: You quickly get reduced to 50% hp - and that´s where it stays for some time (blast shield). Sometimes you get reduced to below 10%, already seeing a light at the tunnel and close to turn away in agony of another death. But: You do not die. Health stays at <10% yet once more for a long time, since all the other circuit breakers (and there´s alot of them) kicked in.
actually it’s because you lack DA, physical resist and slow res to kite. DA is less important in SR, but in Crucible you often get DA debuffed from multiple sources so it’s important to have it at respectable level. Same with physical resist, it’s often get debuffed, so with low physical resist you get debuffed into negative values to often, coupled with low DA you are just prone to deadly physical bursts.
By the way, I also had Flasbang Conduit initially, but after few tests I decided it wasn’t deliviring in this build and that I needed additional defense layer so I took Azrakaa. Also, Aldanar’s Vanity is a great off-hand, @Dmt’s Shieldbreaker that I was testing and that eventually became this build had it too.
What would be best offensive pick for the ammy here? If you wanted to speedrun and beat a record, no matter if solid or not?
Had some tests with, “annihilation”, i guess.
The one that grants you the meteor skill. Boosts judgement if i´m not wrong.
I guess Shard of Eternal Flame and pick up Canister
Azrakka’s sand amulet is definitly underrated. The proc is insanely good. Sometimes it feels like a better version of shattered realm amulet.
Any chance of an early leveling guide / devotion progression?
This is an endgame build. Something you transition to if you’re at least level 94 and got the required gear. Since this build will only work as intended with all the gear shown in the GT, I wouldn’t recommend leveling with it.
Here’s a detailed guide on leveling a Shieldbreaker, which also contains viable “budget options”. You’ll probably be much happier leveling with something like that.
Beyond the fact that this is a well rounded build, as usual, this one this seems to be a hell lot of fun! Might make me come back to the game
levelled it with (dual wield) fire strike. up to a point where i realized that the spells (bwc etc) actually do more damage than my melee.
So I should level to 94 which is a lot of hours with something completely different?
I dont think so, I’ll try to make it work with BWC from the start.
at about lvl50 I think I switched to being a caster.
Imo leveling build and end game are different terms. Some skills can be good from level 1 to 100, some are not. Going caster is better than melee in first difficulty. You can always try BWC and if you struggle, change it to something else.
The point of beginners guides unlike end game setups isn’t to follow them directly to the letter but to find what and why is working for the author, respectively to you and after that to learn how to level builds yourself. But ultimately it’s your decision.
If you don’t want super efficient leveling my advice is just to enjoy the game and try out everything. You can always respec your build at special NPC if something goes wrong or go back to the levelling guide.
About this build, you should have all the items for it to work as advertised and use exact devotions/skills after level 94. Or better at level 100.
Well I just tried with BWC from the start and its going very well. It lacks a little damage on big hp single targets but melts everything else in seconds.
BTW is there any particular faction that we need to help in order to get specific items for the build? I haven’t played Forgotten Gods yet so I dunno much about what’s new regarding faction items.
do come back belzzz!