I’ve been trying to make a build with Kilrian’s Skullbreaker for a long time. I tried it again with this patch - the Skullbreaker was buffed with 5% more Fire Strike weapon damage Here is the result:
GRIMTOOLS (thanks to Crittrain for his tweaks)
GRIMTOOLS (more res overcap)
=[ CONCEPT ]===============
Fire Strike with 47% WPS and fire/physical/lightning to chaos damage conversion (100% fire damage conversion + 80% physical damge base conversion with Abominable Might proc 100% physical damage conversion + bit lightning damage conversion). Nice ‘N’ easy stacking flat and % damage for Bamm-Bamm-DPS.
With all Procs/Passives/Actives
=[ OFFENCE ]===============
3.532 OA
Hard DPS through high weapon damage (138% from hardcappes FS + 50% WD from the Skullbreakers) in adition to massive % damage boost from Devotions
122 Chaos-RR -> 35 Eldritch Fire + 24 Raise the Dead + 45 Hellfire Mine + 8 Combustion Band + 10 Voidheart
=[ DEFENCE ]===============
3.012 DA
29% physical res
Ghouhlish Hunger / Prismatic Rage / Bat
=[ GEAR AND ALTERNATIVES ]===============
Head: Darkblaze Headguard
Neck: Darkblaze Source
Weapons: Kilrian’s Skullbreaker Heartpiece of the build. Search for prefix with physical to chaos damage conversion. BiS is “Demonic” Kilrian’s Skullbreaker “of the Abyss”
Rings: Mythical Combustion Band and Voidheart or Mythical Entropic Coil
Shoulders: Benn’Jahr’s Pauldrons or Rah’Zin’s Shoulderguards
Chest: Mythical Vestments of Severed Faith or Rah’Zin’s Armor
Gloves: Mythical Harbinger’s Grasp or Mythical Voidsteel Gauntlets or Mythical Voidrend Talons
Pants: Mythical Demonbone Legplates
Boots: Stoneplate Greaves choose prefix/sufix to cap/overcap resis.
Relic: Korvaak’s Deception
Belt: Mythical Sash of the Bloodlord or Rah’Zin’s Waistguard or Darkblaze Ammo Belt
Medal: Mythical Korvaak’s Brand
=[ DEVOTION ]===============
Dying God, Abomination, Solael’s Witchblade, Revenant, Sailor’s Guide, Eel, Spider, Raven
More defensive: Ghoul, Bat, Hawk, Hound
More offensive: Fiend, Viper, Rat, Crossroads (blue)
=[ CRUCIBLE / SHATTERED REALM ]===============
Farming Crucible is very comfortable with this build (4 Buffs / 1 Banner). SR 65/75 viable.
==[ CONCLUSION ]==============='
No big res overcap. Oppents in close range get enough AoE-damage. But the lack of DoT und a greater AoE takes time in Crucible -> Really hard single and close combat DPS-Monster.
=[ VIDEOS ]===============
[] Mad Queen in 4s
[] Dummy in 10s
[] Kra’vall in 7s
[] Crucible Gladiator 151-170 in 6:49
[] Crucible Gladiator 151-170 in 5:25 by Crittrain
[] SR 65 in 6:18
Thanks to Crittrain for the nice Crucible run and the polish!