[] Shattered Sorcerer 5:12 CR/110 SR/Celestials/75-76 farmer

oh i see. thanks for explaination

Hi there Alkamos

Im busy levelling this build as well, currently Lvl75


Is there any changes you would make to your build suggestion, keeping in mind that my Endgoal is “only” to farm Ultimate SR 75-76 and MC/Nemesis…maybe Celestials.

Is there anyway to incorporate “Harvestmen’s Scythe” ? - or is it even necessary ?

Any tips/suggestions are welcomed. Between the two builds, this one and the Retal Warlord, I suppose this build can clear faster, but Retal warlord can do safer ?


You can use scythe devotion here, I would go with route like that: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN47n5YZ

Until you got really god tier rare ring use Mythical Time-flux band or Allagast’s stormgem.
For gameplay: when you farm sr ignore nemesises, group as many trash/heroes mobs as you can and nuke them with canister bomb. Don’t use agroabuse for boss rooms (it’s not needed) because single target damage is poor so you can do it faster just bombing all bosses at once.You can put one point into Nullification if you have troubles vs Mad Queen (she doesn’t spawn over sr 80 so I don’t need it personaly) because you can turn off her “retaliation aura” with it.

This build is as safe as retal warlord in 75-76 range but faster if you focus only on white mobs while clearing chunks, with good rng you can even pass 75-76 in around 10 min. Currently you can still go over sr100 with that build, even after sr set nerf. Here some old screenshot from sr96 with no agroabuse, passed without death so there is no way to die with that build in farming range :grinning:

any significant changes or update from to current patch? just plan to continue completing the build

Hi, I will update it probably but later, including some more damage version. At this time you can use devotion route from link above https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN47n5YZ

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ok tyvm. looking fwd to it.

Hi There Alkamos

What do you think of this build - is it still a fun build to do ? Not looking to push high SR, just reliable farm 75-76 and fight Celestials.
If there is any update, I would appreciate it.


If you like unkillable characters/play HC then it should be good, altough currently I have other style of building so I would do it another way probably. I don’t know if I will update it, maybe in future but I am not sure.

Updated Added videos with crucible 5:12, sr 110, ravager, crate, sr80+90 full room agro.