Efficiency be damned.
Sometimes you want the game to play itself for you. In such cases, you play a Vitality build, amirite?
I’m rite.
Grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2GYenGZ
The Blood Knight set already has absurd passive healing powers, but we can always do better memier. So let’s take everything passive about the set and turn it up to 11 in the name of being a true AFK powerhouse. That means reduced Counterstrike cooldown not just with Blood Knight’s Visage, but also with the (recently nerfed ) Colossal Fortress. That means an AoE Vitality Resistance Reduction aura in Spectral Binding…and Cryptstalker. Any relevant resistance reduction means more damage, which means more healing, all of which we’ll be receiving on a hands-free basis.
That means speccing Devotions for Light of Empyrion (20% Chance When Hit), Tip the Scales (33% Chance When Hit), and Will of Rattosh (15% Chance on Attack…which we put on a player-scaled pet since if we’re attacking we’re not afk’ing).
That means a % DA rolled Citadel relic so we can walk around with a free 12% DA boost, and maxed-out Soldier passives…all seven of them. Keen observers of the grimtools may note that the skilltree still has two uninvested points. I just ran out of passives to invest it. Can’t take anything active, after all.
Throw in some Boneweave Leggings for their disgusting amount of Health Regen and the SoC proc, as well as the Touch of the Everliving Grove for yet more Health Regen and another heal proc. Signet of the Fallen for yet more RR/damage amp/healing amp, and Ring of Basti for…well frankly I don’t like Ring of Basti here. It barely provides any healing what with its minimal 8% Weapon Damage and no innate ADCTH on the proc. But I was told to take it for “kill monster fast” reasons. Personally, for the full meme, I’d recommend Cursebearer or Signet of the Damned.
Movement Rune to get around, but if you use it during combat, you’re not truly worshiping AFKhorne, so why even play the build?

Also some gameplay from my twitch stream that I can’t be bothered to transfer to youtube: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/642460558?t=03h28m05s
Playing this build essentially boils down to “Don’t get nullified LUL”. Occasionally you gotta move around OR pop a healing potion. Rarely both.
Q: How fast is it?
A: No.
Q: What can you AFK?
A: Anything that isn’t a Celestial…or Grava. Which isn’t to say the build can’t kill these enemies, but it will require some input from the user to do so. More specifically…
- Morgoneth
- Gargabol
- Shar’zul
- Valbury Trio
- Alkamos
- Every single (other) Nemesis
- Every single campaign/optional boss, MQ included
- Every single Monster Totem
- Every single anything else
- Single-buffed Glad 170 (Amatok; other buffs will help but aren’t necessary)
- SR70, with potential up to SR80 with RNG
The build is actually a lot safer in horde modes like SR/Cruci where there’s a number of enemies to heal off of, and with 21k health (without Cruci buff) you’re unlikely to be bursted down.
Q: Why not play a Pet Build?
A: Pet Builds aren’t lazy enough and require some buttons to be pushed sometimes. Your move, @Maya
Q: Would you recommend this build to new players?
A: Not really…because MI’s. Then again, we’re in the Golden Age of Monster Infrequents, so maybe? As far as skill ceiling goes, this build is very literally the skill floor of the game…or maybe the skill basement.