*players upon seeing an eor build without high attack speed or flat rr from devotions
(not relevant anymore, but I’ll leave it for fun)
I’ve been doing testing on most EoR variants. I plan on having a post for each type for the best possible clears in crucible. This will be one of many spin builds to come.
Vitality EoR is another unassuming variant for the spin savants out there. A weapon with no attack speed or physical conversion for eor, most would just write off it as useless for EoR. I was determined to make it work. Perseverance and creativity paid off here.
The Build:
Updated devotions and gearing for the new patch. Items rolls are not set in stone, but dreadlords prefix on belt is definitely the best. You can take full physique dump and DA augments on rings for extra defense, but for softcore it isnt really required. I’ve cleared SR 80 without too much trouble with the above build. 7:30 from start of 80 to boss room finish. I died twice, but I was able to facetank grava and alek in the boss room.
Average run with no %damage increasing mutators
Blood Knights set is the perfect fit here. It provides addition RR, CDR, attack speed, and a nuke to cycle in while spinning. I feel like the rest of the items are pretty straight forward. You get EoR to cap, then go from there. The devotion set up here is where the magic happens though. I take Hourglass, Dying god, and Ratosh. This setup allows for full uptime on ascension/dying god through proper cooldown management when combined with the CDR from our gear. Mark of Torment + Bloodthrister when things get crazy should be all you need to stay alive.
Obviously since there is no flat RR in devotions, storm banners are the best here. You can clear without them, and it will add roughly 15-25 seconds to your runs. Certain mutators/spawns will slow things down. Runs will vary from about 5:40ish with practice and luck to a run taking as long as 6:40ish. Average clear can be called around 6 minutes.
I do plan on seeing how well this one and my chaos eor fair in SR… might be a bit before I get to that though