Can you post your build ?
Death Knight, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator still need this great ammy and working on items, but even in original build there is almost no energy regen atm and it has 35% energy absorption, same as my current char. Had to change some components to get better regen and some energy leech (ectoplasm + arcane spark). I can remove one ectoplasm, but it starts to feel awful, constantly drinking energy elixir
You may very well have to tailor the energy (components, pots, etc.) to where you are at.
Builds posted often count on Crucible settings to help energy and very high density/spamming of enemy spells to profit absorb.
If you are running a more leisurely pace, lower density casting mobs, or lower levels = you may need to use pots.
It’s possible that the OP used the occasional pot, as well. It relies on absorb.
I think @hammyhamster1 has it down, but the Amulet is a BIG part of the answer as well.
Not only the 35% energy cost, but the added damage would also mean things would die faster, so you would have to hold down the skill for shorter bursts
Still no luck with ammy Gonna farm SR later, when i get remaining components and augments to get better overcap resistances.
Also i was looking at changes for body armor and gloves. Anything better in current version? Looks like they were nerfed heavily (removed % retaliation on both).
Nothing specific comes to mind for either. Maybe Dawnshard Hauberk ?
However you might want to tinker with devotions, since armor has been reworked (and dire bear as well)
As i see dire bear isn’t used here anyways. I was looking at dawnshard too, but it’s abit less physical res, and i’m sitting only at 18% atm, so i’ll leave it as it is for some time. Also seraphim stoneguard gloves with one of casting speed suffixes looks promising instead of vilescorn gloves.
I don’t have hundreds of hours in GD yet, so don’t remember all possible items and especially devotions, so making anything from zero is almost impossible for me atm
Yeah, but it should now, is what I meant
You don’t need to remember; just use the online GD build tool to search for possible item ideas and play around with various possibilities (some of which you may have found already). It is updated with each patch.
Dunno if someone else tested this more thoroughly but the last time I tested dire bear on retal DE (oppressor) back when phys changes happened it wasn’t any better than the original setup.

Dunno if someone else tested this more thoroughly but the last time I tested dire bear on retal DE (oppressor) back when phys changes happened it wasn’t any better than the original setup.
Bummer… .
The variant that Alkamos did is now working very poorly after all the nerfs. Yes, and double rare things do not contribute to the assembly. Look what I did, it might be useful, there are other superbosses on the channel ))
I apologize for the double, I don’t know how to give two people a link at the same time. The variant that Alkamos did is now working very poorly after all the nerfs. Yes, and double rare things do not contribute to the assembly. Look what I did, it might be useful, there are other superbosses on the channel ))
Why is your poison resistance only 30% in the grimtools? And how good is this for Shattered Realm? Thank you
Hi. because there are powders for the fight with Callagadra, for a split reality, of course, you need to close the resistance to poison with other powders in armor.
i Can’t do much with this build. spent some day farming the gear. is it complete nerfed?
OP doesn’t use the forum anymore so I’ll write sth.
My personal opinion after trying out 2 different (damage types) Retal DE’s on Ravager - Retal DE is dead (I’ll be happy to be proven wrong as I didn’t speed much time on it)
However I tried the Physical one without Maul (Bear devotion) - you should tweak devotion to include it now when converted Phys damage doesn’t bypass the armor anymore.
cool you also just tested ti. yes Ravage just annihilated med aswell. I can’t prove you wrong sir. tried 3complete different devotion setups. all is just bad.
okay so you are saying we need to reduce enemy defenses for the damage type our retaliation does?