[] Edgyswingsetacid - DW Righteous fervor Dervish [SR 90] [4.50 crucible] [Avatar, Ravager, Crate]

4 Alexanders


@grey-maybe why are you using the 3 points from wendigo instead of fetid pool for slow down effect or hawk for more OA or toad for more ls and DA?

3 points in vendigo give more than fetid pool or oa&crit damage from hawk. (%phys res, %AS and some health)
the idea with toad is good thought, however loosing 600 hp in exchange of 3% ADctH is a bit meh. on the other hand, with toad i can also get sailorā€™s guide which gives a huge QoL.

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suddenly remembered that i used to post my builds here, and some of them needs to be updated.
well, guess iā€™m ought to do so.

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GT up top is up to date for ?

Updated to

Changed devotion map, because with the buff of GG scales became redundant. Manticore on RF is really strong.
Build became faster (From 5.20 in my hands to 4.40, but i believe partly, i just became a better pilot), due to the new map, and because I dumped everything in damage.
Was able to conquer sr95 with it, but iā€™d say that it is beyond buildā€™s capacity and just shows my dedication.
Ravager and Avatar should still be possible, maybe i will upload videos with them lately.

AQC still sucks ass.


what is your opinion on why it sucks and how can it be improved? Love the update <3

slow animation and it disturds other strong wpsā€™s.
donā€™t know how it can be improved, if the devs claim that everything is fine with the framerate there.
maybe it still should be sped up a bit.

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3/4 celestials are down. Seems good.



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Copyright strike him and claim his money (:
Iā€™m kidding ofc and happy holidays to everyone that reads this.


Itā€™s not about the animation. You use as one pointer, the difference from other WPS are you start less than %100 WD, meaning less than your basic attack. Your build only converts half of the flat pierce so there is no win there aswell. It kick starts after 11/8, becomes better than most WPS on single target enemy(Especially if you can convert all flat/or basically use pierce as main damage) and if you have high enough OA or DA shred it becames even better. But since you use it as a sixth one-pointer WPS ofc it wonā€™t do anything, only a skill point waste. And I believe in a build that atleast sofcap NHH it should work much better.

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ehm, iā€™ve tested 11/8 AQC vs not having AQC at all and the later won.

test wasnā€™t perfect, at some point i wanted to redo it with blank character but never did it.

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I tested in DM build, Belgo build, even Aether reaper with half pierce conversion; in all invested AQC was better than nothing but okay, itā€™s your build, if you say so I believe you. AQC animation has nothing about it; itā€™s even faster than Reaping Strike and Necrotic Edge.

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Btw this is one of the few times I actually see manticore on an acid build. I guess Revenant/Scale nerfs made it finally viable.

Afrer the nerf of scales/buff of GG I use manticore on every single acid build. The proc is actually pretty insane in terms of damage.

I saw you edit and embed the video later I replied,
11/8 AQC is obviously better than 4/8 your dps chart was 200-300k higher with some instances and your kill time was 2 second faster. And as I said your build doesnā€™t even utilize the flat damage nor invest NHH. And I believe with 11/8 AQC and all other WPS you exceed %100 in first try.

Later on the video in the comparisation there; 4/8 aqc and 4/8 bs without the other are almost same. In 11/8 comparisation, BS is 1 second better.

And on the last part in your video, you basically proved that 1 pointer WPS are not much a gain. Investing one or two of them is better than having 4-5 with one pointer. So Iā€™m not sure where the part Iā€™m wrong and youā€™re right. Yes you have better skills to invest those skill points so having 11/8 aqc doesnā€™t bring you much and as 1 pointer it also doesnā€™t affect anything so in your build itā€™s dps loss or break-even with skill point waste but my point is AQC is not generally a dps loss because of itā€™s animation. As everything it depends on the build setup.

My point is - AQC is the only WPS (apart from item granted ones) that can decrease your DPS. Even if you have no conversion whatsoever having, say, Necrotic Edge is always a win DPS-wise, compared to not having it (the only counter example is Cadence interactions with different WPS, but cadence is a weird shit generally speaking). Dumping 6-8 points to AQC to finally make it work sounds like a complete lacklaster, granted that you always can spend these points on Execution or Whirling Death and that would be better. And we are talking about NB - the most point-hungry mastery there are.

For example - Slev1n gained about 7 seconds in Crucible after ditching AQC on Dmtā€™s Venom. And 7 seconds is a lot of damage when we talk about 4.30 timers. Same goes for Chillstrife Spellbreaker - AQC actually decreases your damage significantly. I can imagine it being a dps gain on 14/8, but it ā€œstill sucks assā€ as 4/8 unlike Execution, WD, Markovian and so on. Even 4/8 BS is just w/e, but you donā€™t lose damage from wasting skill points.

Iā€™m saying again, yes as 1 pointer, AQC sucks, other WPS starts higher than base WD so even as one pointer they contribute something to you dps or atleast they provide AoE without slowing you down but AQC has a different mechanics and itā€™s not about the animation speed. You may very well question itā€™s purpose by measuring itā€™s worth for spent skill points. Yes, if there are better options, do not spend your points into AQC. But comparing it to Execution is silly, even 4/8 execution deals almost double itā€™s damage.

And I also think that AQC should have more modifiers to be more appealing but it has these mechanics simply and Iā€™m sure you know this better than me; you hit MH+Flat bonus, OH+Flat bonus, MH+Flat bonus plus crit damage. So if a build can spend skill points into it, have good OA to utilize crit chance and use or converts the flat; itā€™s really a single target dps gain. I tested with Blademaster and Trickster, Dervish againts everything including Ravager. I also tried with Deathmarked Saboteur before but deleted that build so there is no link for that.

Iā€™m not saying AQC is worth it in your build, itā€™s your build, and you tested it. Iā€™m saying itā€™s not related the animation. There are variables that affects AQCā€™s worth. Yes you can say itā€™s bullshit, all other wps are normal, and now we gonna think about this but itā€™s what it is.

First run with garbage AQC was 5.10. first run without AQC was 4.55.
AQC is a huge dps loss even as 1-pointer wps
Same results were with cold spell breaker