As I was telling @fordprefect over the weekend when I tried out his Chaos DW Melee Sorcerer (very fun build btw so definitely check it out), I have this bizarre penchant for trying to make Sorcerer do things it’s not supposed to do. Here’s a build I put together while playing way too late on Saturday night: a DW Rutnick Fire Strike Sorcerer that relies on full Fire and Chaos conversion to Aether (and partial Elemental conversion to Aether) and some fun gear-based WPS procs (including on a brand new weapon) to melt through pack after pack without breaking much of a sweat. Mirror of Ereoctes gets a pretty good damage cooldown component! Not to mention you end up serviceably tanky with 100% armor absorption, 27% Physical Resist, and a health pool approaching 13k. Take a look or give it a try and let me know what you think!
SS with non circuit breaker buffs active
Fire Strike Damage + Attack Speed
Aether Damage Bonus
CC Resists (could be better!)
Gear breakdown for this build is below:
2x Rutnick’s Blaster - The conversions in this build give you a pretty low bar for entry, as you’re not looking for one perfect combo. You can get in the door with any two blasters to see how the build feels. But for best results, any prefixes or suffixes that provide flat aether, fire, or chaos damage (again, the latter two should be 100% converted to aether) are going to be GREAT fits for this build, although your mileage may vary.
Best Prefixes: Aetherfire (another cool proc!), Infernal, Demonic
Best Suffixes: Shattered Reality, Abomination, Arcane Blaze, Conflagration (Fire Strike bonus!), Wildfire, Abyss (Great debuffs!)
2x Mythical Albrecht’s Duality - If you’ve been playing long enough you probably have a drawer of these rattling around. Pick the two with the best Chaos conversion, with the goal to be at or over 100%. Priority after that is Elemental Resistance, because resists are TIGHT on this build.
Mythical Soulare’s Helm - This is an anti-meta hat, I know, but the elemental > aether conversion (scooping up some of the lightning damage from Static Strike and Ulzuin’s Wrath) and +1 to Demolitionist skills help it edge out Maw of Terror for me.
Mythical Agrivix Amulet - The neck is just so so freaking good. One of my favorite pieces in the Sorcerer wardrobe and a perfect fit for this build.
Ascended Shoulderplates - if you spend some time in the Four Hills and new area northwest of Twin Falls (which you certainly will while farming Rutnick’s Blaster) you’ll start picking these up. They convert more Elemental damage to Aether, and their innate Chaos Resistance keeps the defensive meta intact. Look for prefixes and suffixes that boost Aether damage and/or health!
Fateweaver’s Raiment - Did I mention resists are TIGHT for this build? The active skill smooths that over. I couldn’t find a way to make the build work without it.
Krieg Gloves and Boots - Another nice one-two for an Aether build due to the 2 piece damage bonus and the flat aether damage on the gloves. Not to mention some physical resist for a build in need of desquishing.
Mythical Cord of Violent Decay - another essential Sorcerer piece for the buffs to Thermite Mine and Arcanist skills, and also that sweet conversion. Between this, the helm, and the amulet, with good rolls you’ve converted all of your fire damage to aether.
Mythical Arcane Harmony Leggings - Excellent generalist caster pants.
Mythical Korvaak’s Brand - This is here for the additional WPS, the skill boost, and the resists. Not to mention it pumps up your remaining non-converted elemental damage a bit. It’s better than Mythical Pyroclasm Mark because of the resists and the Static Strike boost.
Serenity - +1 to all skills is great. Circuit breaker is great (though its CD is stingy). More health is great. That’s three greats. You’d be fine with Agrivix’s Malice, Iskandra’s Balance, or even Korvaak’s Deception, but you’d have to reconfigure augments.
Components - These were chosen to maximize health pool while still maintaining resist caps. 2x Seal of Corruption seems redundant but with anything else you’re missing some Physical > Aether conversion for Fire Strike. Use Restless Remains for the gloves. Don’t argue with me.
Augments - No surprises here… maximize damage and cap resists.
Devotions - All your Aether buddies are here: Imp, Widow, SOTH. Updated with new map that ditches Behemoth and adopts Scales for much better sustain!
Skills - Max your fire strike nodes, except for Static Strike which you can give one point. Don’t forget to NOT take the Searing Strike modifier, as you’re not using 1h melee!
Max Hellfire Mine, Reckless Power, Fabric of Reality, and Flame Touched. The others could reasonably be shuffled around a bit.
Here’s a SR65 video. You need to pilot around pretty well to avoid deaths to hard hitting melee or certain ground effects. i.e. don’t stand in Alkamos fire like this guy did.
And here’s Morgoneth with the latest devotion map.