[] Beginner's Apex Death Knight

No, that choice isn’t particularly important for this build.

you will end up revered with them all 3 eventually :slight_smile:

Awesome . Thank you all.
I am still new so I do not have a lot of gear. Somehow I lost some characters due to a mismatch of saved versions so pretty much starting over again. Uhg!

Add me on Steam if you would like… Jagze65 I think.

that was sad to hear :frowning: Are you playing with could save on?

I have cloud enabled now yes. I think it happened when I went to a out of town training week for work and my laptop would only play the DX9 version. Thats when things happened. Oh well…onward and upweard…LOL

I wanted to get to the core build asap, so i transited to Blade Arc at level 85. I was gathering +Blade Arc items while farming the Krieg Set. Here it is.

I have to say that it already deals a lot more damage than Forcewave (98k vs 67k)! Although i feel that survivability has dropped a bit, the sheer pleasure of killing an elite in 2-3 hits is indescribable. Unfortunately, my resistances are not capped in Ultimate, but that would have been the problem of my Forcewave build as well.

It kind of suits my reckless playstyle though. Even though i die sometimes, killing happens faster now.

Stupid_Dragon, I have to say that i really like this build of yours, thank you very much!


By the way, any idea why with the initial Forcewave build my War Cry was destroying stuff on the ground, and now it doen’t?

The old helm has added (weapon) damage to War Cry

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did they remove that mod?

Nope, but the current character uses Baldir and the set mask has no bonus to War Cry

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So i have found the Mythical Grasp of Unchained Might. Using these instead of Krieg’s Grip shows increased DPS, but i lose the Krieg’s Wrath skill and some phys res.

Which one is better?

Not sure what to do here at this part in Homestead. image

Um, you’re supposed to pick either necromancers or kymon’s chosen, but since the latter won’t allow a necromancer in anyway just click “I think I’ve made my decision”? That choice doesn’t really matter all that much anyway.

Ah ok thank you much. This is my farthest I have ever been and couldnt find any info.

The order it is! :slight_smile:

I have no idea how people play HC… I constantly die to some boss monsters (a couple of them kill me inside Ultimate Ancient Grove, including the last one). I think it’s mostly because of my cocky playstyle, but maybe there’s something wrong with my build?

Also, is there any build that can facetank anything, including celestials and nemesis?

Fail to see a problem clearing AG on Ultimate. I’ve even been forgetting to apply RR since I haven’t played the build for whooping six months.

Slathsarr is a bane of all melee builds due to fumble pools, but you don’t really have to fight him if you don’t want to.

Gargabol is just knowing his moveset well, ideally not letting him double-swipe you, and standing in volcanos is out of question ofcourse. You also need to dodge his summon’s mortar attacks and kill them asap, since they damage a lot and apply RR. When bad comes to worse you can cheese him with Mark of Torment.

As for your build - 2650 DA is a bit low for a melee build if you like it safe. It should be ok for the vast majority of content on Ultimate, but some enemies can debuff your DA by 200-300.


Oh, mate, i am very far from your driving skills :slight_smile:. I have to say I am impressed. Nice job.

I mainly sit there taking it to the face until shit hits the fan. And usually it happens so fast, that i don’t manage to run away anymore.

A big difference I noticed is that you don’t mash your skills as soon as they are off cool down. How do you decide when to use them?

War Cry can be used on cooldown. Same for Bone Harvest. I just was a bit lazy since everything died quite fast anyway. Like I mentioned it’s the first time I’ve been playing the build in 6 months.
Ravenous Earth I’m using mostly vs serious enemies to apply RR on them, trash just dies quick regardless.
Mark of Torment is saved up as a “panic” button. Quotes because the efficient use of it has little to do with panic and more like you should use in it when you expect to take high damage, in advance. Like I did in the end just to kill the enraged boss off instead of kiting him.

If i understand correctly, x reduced target resistance does not stack, so the reduction from Break Morale overwrites the one from Krieg’s Wrath skill, right?

Yes, but the uptime for War Cry is not 100% so the idea was to use it as a follow up.
In practice you’re probably better to just keep hitting enemies because animation take non-negligible time with attack speed good enough.