[] Beginner's Apex Death Knight

This means that losing one piece of the Krieg’s set is not such big of a deal? Won’t I end better using Mythical Grasp of Unchained Might instead of Krieg’s Grip?

Perhaps, try it?
My setups are by no means final.

i have to say that i like it. I’m more frail, it’s true, but killing speed increased a bit.

Can this build kill Lokkar?

I have zero interest in superbosses.

Yes it can, but you need to make proper preparations such as overcapping fire res etc and play good.

C c c … can it do Calla?


EDIT: in all seriousness I think most high end full slotted non-meme builds can kill Lokarr, but none of my builds should count as either high end or full slotted, hence there’s little to no point in using Lokarr as a benchmark. Best answer I could give you is try it.

How much fire res overcap do I need and what other preparations?t

Same as with any other build.

Then how much do you need for other builds?

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This is what i got at the moment. I can still die against nemesis and the like, because i can’t be arsed to kite, bud damn, does it kill fast! Thanks for the great build and guide.

I have read in the Bloodrager BA DK build (towards which i am gearing at the moment) that Prismatic Diamond has been nerfed and Runestone should be used instead. Is it true for this build as well?

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only 14% fire res overcap = dead against Lokarr

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i decided against farming Lokarr with this build. Will use it to build something more suitable for that purpose. Maybe your pet conjurer.

WTF you think that beginner’s build should farm endgame content, like lokarr? It’s not an endgame build, endgame version is grey’s ba dk

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Have fun kiting for 2 min :slight_smile:

But as mentioned, you are supposed to gear up char even further than what is presented in these beginner guides. They are just “stepping stone” builds.

It kinda also depends on what “endgame” means. For sure SR 65 farming is endgame content, and so is Crate of entertainment boss. And everything in between. Lokarr is not easy, but is not hard once you have figured it out and have slightly better gear.

Frankly, no. The build kind of suffers from reflection and having one fail safe mechanic to stop killing yourself when it happens is indispensable, especially for HC.

Implying that BA DK is unsuitable for farming Lokarr is a bit far fetched, but pet builds are indeed better VS super bosses. Pets are pretty OP overall.

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From budget perspective, I had much easier time farming lokarr with my 2H warder than my pet conjurer (similar tier of gearing). But can also be due to my inability to play pet builds properly. I mean I have had trouble farming lokarr with “fully geared” pet builds too so :slight_smile:

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I am not implying it should, i just tried and failed miserably. I even think a better pilot than myself would be able to do it.

I can kill nemesis and other bosses very reliably though (don’t know how difficult that should be). I only had problems with Grava, since he strips my buffs and pretty much instagibs me a second after that.

Again i am not implying it’s unsuitable per general. It is for my playstyle, since i fail at running away when needed. IN order to be able to farm Lokkar, i need a build that can either facetank him, or kite him indefinitely, hence the idea with pets. In this case i can keep on running away always, not only in crucial moments.

Sorry if my wording wasn’t clear enough in the first place. English is not my first language and expressing my thoughts clearly is a struggle sometimes.

You have to kite Grava when he raises his hands and releases his “balls”. This goes for ALL builds.

Just gear up the blade arc build.

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after dying several times to the magis, i decided to go straight to morgoneth, and of course i could easily facetank and kill him…

What makes those magi that dangerous to this build?