[] [Pyromancer] Entropic Retribution

I don’t usually do mini-build updates but this one and the Gandarr Purifier are one of my absolute favourite builds ever posted so why not: Changes
  • Armor of Ember’s Calling: increased % Aether Resist to 28% and updated % Conversion to 30% of Cold dealt as Fire
  • Mantle of Ember’s Calling: increased % Pierce Resist to 28%
  • Mask of Ember’s Calling: increased % Elemental Resist to 36% and added 20% Vitality Resist, removed % Conversion
  • Guardian’s Gaze: reduced % Weapon damage to 15% and reduced % Attack damage Converted to Health to 10%
  • Component - Consecrated Wrappings: increased Chaos damage to 3-8 and % Attack Speed to 8%. Replaced % Chaos damage with 8% Chaos Resist.

All i want to say on these changes is:

  • Conversion changes don’t concern us but I know quite a few people on the Fire side on the set asked for them :+1:.
  • Small nerf to Guardian’s Gaze damage/health recovery. I already thought it was giga-strong when it buffed some time ago so I don’t mind it getting pulled back in line a little. It’s also only 1 part in our means of healing.
  • Resistance buffs mean armour augments can be shifted around. Could squeeze out some more health/DA if wanted but 3k with DA shred is already way more than enough.
  • However, the resistance buffs do mean Consecrated Wrappings could be fitted in for a little more flat Chaos damage on Chain Lightning if nothing else.
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