Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!
Today we will see a new silly build from me. Acid AAR Warlock was not enough, I want more memes . So, what is the story?
Long ago, I wondered why Hungering Void has Chaos Retaliation. It is not that useful, and has zero support from gear. Wait a minute… Zero? But what about Voidwalker Boots? They also give raw Chaos Retaliation on proc. Also, I had an idle Witchblade hero. As we know, both Soldier and Occultist support Retaliation. Second mastery provides nice Physical-to-Chaos conversion. What if we stack Physical Retaliation… and convert it to Chaos? Nah, it would be horrible.
Or not?
1. Grimtools link
I wanted to create a retaliation tank, but got somewhat of a hybrid kind - S&B Witchblade with good Chaos Retaliation Damage. Works nonetheless .
A small remark about weapon components. Their foremost value is Physical-to-Chaos conversion. If you need more RR, change a Seal in shield with Symbol of Solael.
I tried to squeeze both Dying God and Obelisk of Menhir (the best scenario, both boosting Retaliation damage and survivability) as well as Scales of Ulcama (to solve Energy regeneration problem and some flat RR). I would like to get Ghoul and Affliction too, but it is not possible without heavy sacrifices .
2. In-game character stats
general stats, only passive and Blood of Dreeg buffs are active
defense parameters
retaliation starting stats
3. Gear/Build explanation
I tried to get as much Physical-to-Chaos conversion as possible since the build gets big amounts of Physical Retaliation. The gear choice explanation:
- Core items.
Full Rah’Zin set. Wait what? It is not Retaliation gear! I know, yes. But it provides Chaos RR (crucial for our Witchblade), an auto-attack replacer that lowers Resistances even more AND reduces target’s Damage (survivability and skill points, no need for War Cry). +1 to both masteries too. Is it worth taking instead of Retaliation pieces? In my opinion, yes.
Weapon - Totally Normal Bulwark. Surprisingly fit for our build (has Crate ever assumed such use of an item, for Chaos Retaliation). Has conversion to Chaos, proc is whatever. An alternative that gives Chaos Retaliation is Drakarris dagger (fire damage, support for Hellhound and proc on kill - nice eh?
Shield - Obsidian Defender. Despite having Colossal Fortress and Voidsoul Bulwark, they do not provide three things simultaneously - Physical-to-Chaos conversion, %Physical Resistance and %Retaliation Damage. So, Defender is the best choice. Try to get affixes that provide required stats (Overlord of Vengeance is the best possible variant). For example, my current shield has Immovable prefix (%Phys res) and of Thorns suffix (raw Physical Retaliation which is converted to Chaos).
Boots - Voidwalker Footpads. Give raw Chaos Retaliation on proc and some general stats. One of the reason to make this build.
Relic - Honor. The skill it provides is amazing. Shotgun against single targets, AoE against crowds. Take it!
- Mandatory items.
Helmet - Callagadra’s Visage. +1 to all Skills, raw Retaliation damage (good) and chance of %Additional Retal (meh). Hard to get? Ravager’s Dreadgaze or Horns of Ekket’Zul might work as well (but Callagadra’s one is definitely the best).
Ring - Voidheart. The proc is rarely seen since our OA is too low for crits. But it has nice Fire-to-Chaos conversion. And this build stacks nice amounts of Fire retaliation. So, why not?
Pants - Thorhide Legguards. BiS for most Retaliation builds despite numerous nerfs. Just look at the stats. Proc could be better though (against Superbosses without minions it is useless).
Gloves - Blacksteel Gauntlets. Another BiS Retal item with nerfs. Physical Resistance, bonus to Counter Strike, raw Physical Retaliation - all are good. - Can be changed.
Second ring - Ring of Sethris. Bonuses to Counter Strike, Blood of Dreeg (I would prefer Aspect of the Guardian, but oh well), OK proc. Creeping Ring (MI) with good suffixes can be an alternative.
Medal - Markovian’s Stratagem. Raw Physical Retaliation, good proc, overall stats. Ikrix Scale (MI) is an alternative.
About Resistance Reduction. Total amount is ~90% (-25% from Curse of Frailty, -35% from Solael’s Witchblade constellation, -10% from Voidheart (on crit), and 20 flat from Scales of Ulcama constellation) plus 20% RR from Touch of Chaos, so it can vary. Not great , but again it is Witchblade - mastery without RR for Chaos.
4. Gameplay
Debuff enemies with Curse of Frailty and rotate two skills - Vire’s Cascade and Will of the Fallen Kings. In the interim use Touch of Chaos. Blood of Dreeg for buff/healing as usual, Overguard only in dire situations (do not recommend using it constantly, it reduces our damage output). Hope to not get too many casters that refuse to hit you with weapons/limbs, they are terrible .
5. Videos
Lokarr (very difficult, needs Fire Resistance potion)
Morgoneth (can be easy, can be hard)
Mad Queen
Ravager of Minds (used some Clusters in second phase, potions are in the video)
And three horrible SR 75 shards (with some portion of fun and strange behavior of some bosses).
Avatar of Mogdrogen is not an appropriate boss for this build. The killing took about 22,5 minutes and fair amounts of Aether Clusters. If not for his minions to leech from … Anyway, here is the proof.
Potions are the same as Ravager’s plus Stormshroud and two Lightning+Fire resistances augment in gloves and boots (I went hostile with Kymonites).
Well, that is it. The results are obscure and chaotic . Hope I did not forget any important information. If I did - feel free to ask. Cheers for another meme!