Hello, I am back from retirement for a while with fastest pet build I have ever made which helped me to reach sub4 Crucible first time in my life. Finding so fast setup took me many days of testing various beastcaller variants.
This one is raw fire damage basically without dots. Damage types I tested before I found this one:
- Pure bleed
- Bleed + chaos
- Pure chaos
- Bleed + lightning
- Pure lightning
- Bleed + cold
- Bleed + vitality
- Bleed + fire (results comparable to bleed/chaos I have posted)
- Bleed + acid (2nd strongest, fastest vs Callagadra and Crate)
Looks like stacking flat damage and conversions was way to go. Build was making to fight for every single second in Crucible so there are choices that could be suboptimal outside.
Full DPS with greens: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BrEnB2
Bonus cheaper full DPS (no skillpoints greens needed): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVlvAbjN
Bonus cheaper balanced setup (1 less button too): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwo1m8Z
About devotions:
-In DPS setup I wanted to stack as many pet stats as possible so going for both Typhos + Staff of Rattosh was good choice. Otherwise there are some additional aoe procs.
-In balanced setup I took Behemoth because it’s very good defensive proc for summoners.
Itemization to explain:
Relic - there is one difference between crucible and rest of the game. In Crucible Bysmiel’s Domination is more comfortable to play due to speeding up pets, they can switch targets faster. Everywhere else Primal Instinct is best, 1 skill point + converted swarms does better single target damage, it’s better in SR and for bosses. Next important thing - you don’t want to get hit in SR/celestials and that’s necessary for Bysmiel proc, you can’t really take full potential of it outside of speedrunning crucible.
Boots - Deathwalker’s Grace due to slow res for pets is helpful with speedrunning, otherwise Fiendflesh Greaves is safer choice due to damage absorbtion. However I played with both boots, can’t really say difference in damage. If you lack skillpoints - go for Grim Harvest.
Weapon - Korvaak’s Burning Blade is needed for full conversion. Hunt for pet stats (skill points especially, it helps to made itemization more fluid.
Rings - dual Khonsar is needed for full damage conversion and necessary for speedrunning. However one + blue version is okay (or even double blue). We have a lot of flat chaos damage and build is based around conversions.
Belt - shaman’s green because it’s possible to reach maximum damage with it. Shadowfiend’s Cord is great choice too, even more recommended.
Pants - Wildshorn Legguards are best because of all these skill points + other pet stats. There is pet retaliation too and we have bunch of it. Some double rare greens (or any other with pet stats) are good either.
Amulet + Offhand - absolutely BiS due to modifiers for Briarthorns, no alternative.
Components in weapon slots - I took Enchanted Flint for maximizing damage. Outside of Crucible go for classic Seal of Might.
Jewelery auguments - I have ignored pets resistances because everything used to die too fast, did not want to lose damage. Mender’s Power is safer.
Crucible 3:59 - it was 3:59,7 (Banana_peel’s calculations) or 3:59,382 (Supertolik’s careful calculations with some video tool). Well, sub4 is sub4, it was very nice feeling to reach first run under 4 minutes in my life, especially with such little difference. I took fevered rage (it was absolutely consistent) to lure monsters faster after I scored 4:00 without. Exact setup used: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62aRbeBV
170ex naked 6:20 - I wanted to go for sub6 but it’s very hard because pets are not really good in it. I will try some more however.
SR 110 - the best defense is good offense, kill things before they agro us. Just fun single run without troubles with “glass cannon” setup. Full pushing may require more balanced setup and luck after 105.
Callagadra 2 min
Ravager 44 seconds
Crate 24 seconds - for some reason this build sucks there compare to my other builds, even with highest dps possible.
Mogdrogen 1:15
Dummy 4400000 dps reached in grimtools
Bonus Acid/Bleed setup videos (16 sec Crate, 1:49 Callagadra, 47 seconds Ravager)
Crucible best score was 4:32 if I remember correctly, SR 115 passed. However no videos because thread is about other build. Acid Bleed full dps setup used: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNYr0Xe2