[] 4400000 dummy DPS Khonsar Beastcaller Conjurer -> 3:59 Crucible + 170ex 6:26/ Callagadra 2:00 + Ravager 44 sec + Crate 24 sec + Mogdrogen 1:15 / SR 110

I shall take one for the team :+1:

@Zantai, Can you perhaps shed some light on how the Proc from Attack Seru works when bound to Pet Scaled Pets?
Does it still scale based on the Summoner / Playerā€™s damage or is the Petā€™s damage taken instead?

In the devotion map, the only thing that is nearly compulsory for a build of a certain damage type is RR that corresponds to that type. And pets work different from non pet builds. However, even considering the view of a non pet player like me, common devotion pathing dictates that you want the t3 constellation that gives you the most damage for that specific damage type. You look at mogdrogen as a bleed focused devotion but look at this comparison between pet bonuses of t3 pet devos:

Dying God: 90% all damage, 5% attack speed, 10% crit, proc with 200% all damage and 20% crit with close to 100% uptime on alkamoshaterā€™s setup

Korvaak: 90% all damage, 5% OA, 8% crit, 6% health, 20% chaos res and a damaging proc

Mogdrogen: 110% all damage, 5% OA, 5% total speed and some bleed. Plus a proc that also has near 100% uptime and gives 15% OA and 40% speed

We donā€™t talk about ishtak cause Iā€™m talking about damage here.

Passive bonuses alone, mogdrogen is better. OA > crit and attack speed > crit if itā€™s not capped so itā€™s got both the better aspects of dying god and korvaak in itself. Then when we look at the procs, Korvaakā€™s proc isnā€™t really good while Mogdrogen is better than DG because again, OA > crit and also no downside which can limit your survivability. Not to mention the other pet bonuses you get by going purple.

You need to look at it as just a pet build. The fire part is already taken care of by the RR. At least thatā€™s what I think

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@maya @alkamoshater whatā€™s the base attack speed of pets? I see + 180% on pets with no temp buffs. Is that the final attack speed or you add it to 100%?


In one post you claim mogdrogen isnā€™t overshadowing anything while also claiming korvaak needs buffs, so it is being overshadowed.

Iā€™m certain that if a developer puts a lot of pet bonuses on a devotion it is supposed to work for some pet builds, just not the ones you make.

In my view there are 6 tier 3 pet devotions and also any tier 3 devotion with a strong proc usable by a pet can be used in a pet build if it has the right dmg. You can disagree with that, it doesnā€™t matter to me.


thanks for posting that, my only disappointment was it wasnā€™t demolitionist

Well in korvaakā€™s case itā€™s not that good in non pet builds either unless itā€™s in complement with other t3 devos. It looks like it was designed as a jack of all trades so no surprises there if itā€™s also not great in pets.

By that logic, Korvaak is overshadowed by pretty much every usable Tier 3 devotion in a Pet build.

Torch is better for a Pet build than Korvaak. Does that mean Torch needs to be nerfed?

Then ask for those devotions to be made workable for pet builds instead of using them as the metric for performance. Go to the Feedback section and ask for buffs to Korvaak and Empyrion so that Pet builds can use them without gimping themselves.

GT shows them having a base 100% attack speed, but you should be able to get 200% bonus attack speed without hitting any caps. Not sure if it caps after that or not though :woman_shrugging:

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In-game tooltip itā€™s possible to reach over 200%, I saw 260%+. I donā€™t know if there is some ā€œhiddenā€ cap tho.

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Not to mention the +370% Vitality/Chaos damage, 18% crit damage and 10% total speed. Hungering Void is at itā€™s strongest on Chaos/Vitality pets and often sees the most use there I find.

Thereā€™s also a lot of extra % Fire damage. Pets get a lot of % all damage for a base but in this case heā€™s also getting:

  • +166% Fire damage from Hellfire.
  • +100% Elemental damage from Storm Spirit.
  • +160% Fire damage from both Khonsar procs.
  • Average +70% Fire damage from the Burning-Blade and +40% Elemental damage from Rhowanā€™s Crown.

He actually pushes very close to +2000% Fire damage with all procs up overall which for a pet build is pretty damn good.

For the people mentioning that the Briarthorn is a core part. While I do agree that the +65% total damage modified is a massive amount, Iā€™d also like to point out that in addition to this that heā€™s able to push out:

  • Almost hardcapped Hellhound with a +30% total damage increase.
  • Hardcapped Primal Spirit up 60% of the time (if my math is right).
  • 5 fully converted Swarmlings pushing comparable damage to the above.

Honestly, this is giving me flashbacks to the Dracarris Pyromancer of old, itā€™s staggeringly similar in concept except that itā€™s a modern day Conjurer so infinitely stronger.


Uhhhhhā€¦ I was specifically talking about the fire pet buildā€™s devotion setup, so the chaos and vit bonuses on dying god is irrelevant (especially since all chaos is converted. Not sure about vit I forgot). Same with the non devotion fire bonuses.

Also, doesnā€™t the top portion of hungering void apply only to the players inside aura range, not pets?

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To Pets as well. Yeahā€¦ they get both pet and player side of things :yum:

Damn thatā€™s sweet. Tho weā€™re not on a chaos/vit build :stuck_out_tongue:

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For vitality pets best route is Mogdrogen + Rattosh. I am not sure about DG for chaos, would need to try it again because I do not remember results from long time ago.

Sorry for changing topic but do you have any link or information about this Dracarris Pyromancer of old? Iā€™d love to know more because thatā€™s exactly what iā€™m playing right now and i really wanted a good point of comparison.

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Interesting that itā€™s no longer go-to for Vitality pets. Is this in general for certain archetypes? I remember it being worth going after on an all-offensive Reap Spirits pet user.

Iā€™m not sure what else would be best for Chaos, every Chaos pets user Iā€™ve seen takes it.

Itā€™s the one Maya posted. That said though, itā€™s an extremely old build from the base game. At the time it was revolutionary but a lot has since passed so most of what is written doesnā€™t apply any more.

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Also itā€™s from the old forums so not every info is ported. Grimtools wasnā€™t even alive at that time iirc

Yeah, iā€™m taking a look at it and it really is a primordial build. I canā€™t really use it as a point of comparison. Oh wellā€¦ Iā€™m gonna do it my own way and see how it goes.

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For pure chaos (on beastcaller) going for Mogdrogen and DG do not make that much difference, few% more dps with DG maybe (https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2Gg6PX2) vs Mogdrogen (https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXa6MW2). For vitality I prefer Mogdrogen + Rattosh (skeletons and briars), easier to take other damaging devotions and rr% is must for good damage.

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I understand it looks like fire is the cause, but if you look closely at the evidence provided by AlkamosHater you will see the real cause of the build excellent performance is entirely different:

AlkamosHater linked to various builds above that did not use the method of fire conversion and flat fire bonuses but they still performed almost as good as the fire build with insanely fast celestial kills.
Both the fire and non-fire builds show massive attack speed ratings around 130-150%, and that is even before mogdrogen activates on top of it. Also all builds have very high OA and mogdrogen puts another 15% on top of it.

This quote from AlkamosHater was lost in the discussion: ā€˜Salazarā€™s Sovereign Blade is however unbalanced, itā€™s barely worse for this build than Korvaak (and I am destroying my conversion with Salazar) and it can be bis everywhere else.ā€™

So even if the fire conversion from Korvaak is lost the build can perform almost as good, this is related to a pet intended to be very strong but superslow getting insane speed buffs.

People seem to worry about 30% total dmg on a single pet from zaria pendant, but not about a 46% total speed buff from Mogdrogen on all pets, also including movement allowing insanely fast target switching. The cooldown on the proc can be removed pretty much entirely by the skill cooldown reductions on the pendant, beastcaller head and caster off-hand, making the buff permanent.

The swarmlings are supersynergetic with korvaaks burning blade and flat fire bonuses, but acccording to AlkamosHater the build nonetheless performs better in cruci with Bysmiel, which gives another 45% total speed boost on top of the mogdrogen boost. To a small group of pets this speed buff is stronger than the flat chaos bonus on the relic converted to fire.

So in conclusion fire has a small edge over other dmg types because of the existence of additional flat bonuses and conversion items, but the the main cause of the superb performance of mogdrogen based pet builds is insane speed.

It would scaleā€¦poorly.

Thatā€™s not an intended interaction that looks like slipped in at some point in Forgotten Gods, weā€™ll fix that in v1.1.9.2.