[] The Triumph of Our Tired Eyes - 4500%damage acid DEE sentinel [SR90] [4.45 Crucible]

here’s the avatar, switched some augments for %lightning resistance.


Are you still seeking feedback for non-set DEE? I’ve made one using the Quillthrower weapon and it’s enough for me to at least beat it at a better time than other builds I’ve focused on. I’m staying away from SR until I see the new changes to it, but I know Energy regen is an issue without the Crucible blessing. I know that low resistance overcaps and less damage is going to make SR a pain to run - you need to stay just out of enemies’ melee range to get the most from DEE’s splintering ability; I had to constantly move and pay attention in the video, because I’ve been bursted multiple times trying to get a good Crucible run.

I’m only realizing now after the video that I’m missing a belt component; it will be Spellscorched plating to help with the low Elemental resist overcap.

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Theoretically speaking - how much worse would it be to replace the offhand with Defender of the Three? Purely for the full retard acid theme. And maybe some Aegis throwing.

let’s see:

  1. you lose 8% cdr, 18% cs and about 200% acid damage
  2. you lose 45% wd to DEE, which is about 5k damage w/o set’s proc and about 7k with it, but most importantly - it’s a source of lifesteal.
  3. you gain 6% physical resistance and +1 to both masteries

Bonus %armor is useless here, because it’s naturally very low. Shield’s block is also kinda crap w/o any investments in it. As for aegis throwing - it requires additional points and again, sorta useless performance-wise, 'cause DEE is a spam skill.

Overall, i’d say that №3 is not worth giving up 1&2. Most noticeable would be loosing lifesteal and %cs.
DEE is not a kind of a skill where you can easily replace A with B and build would still be good. The only reason why it’s work in a first place - stupid amount of %damage and rotation of circuit breakers. So after such change it might just become #deadbuild.

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Well, for me it’s a tough choice between acid visual for Vire’s might and offhand eye illusion. Fashion above all :star_struck:

Anyway, thanks for the answer.

Is the build still working like he was in the beginning?

if you’re refering to its state in this patch then yes, it is as it was

How did I not see this earlier?! This is the sweatiest, greasiest build I’ve seen in a long time. You truly have become a master level builder

Thank you, one more question tho, why use Possession and not Path of the three? Only because of the damage absorbtion?, because Pott would increase damage greatly.

what exactly “increase damage greatly” you are refering to? let me see:

  • 12 points to Poss give you 150% acid dam + 100% disrup res (very good for spam skills) + 16% dam absorp + 27% chaos res (yes the build need chaos res to overcap fair amount)

  • 12 points to Pott give you 180% acid dam + 13% CDR, and the only skill required CDR is ascension (from 10/20s uptime to 10/17s uptime- so lower 3 more seconds of waiting).

Possession wins in every ways i can think of, and i dont see any greatly damage increase with Pott at all

initially i’ve tried Path, but cdr here is less valuable than absorbtion. With path it was an awfull glasscannon, and chances of dying to everything were high. If dreeg’s set procs were affected by cdr, then yes, path would be better. But for spam DEE cdr just not much of a value. Not to mention that you can’t lifeleach out of poison, yet can from converted to acid chaos.

Updated to
Recent buffs to DEE’s radius and addition of crit damage finally made a difference to performance. Also racial for aetherials on runestone is nice against Alex.
Didn’t try SR yet, but assume that it’s the same.

second run or so, godlike spawns and good muts.


I probably admittedly suck, but I had two major problems with this build (which, I must say, was nevertheless fun): (1) Eyetack Damage converted to Health wasn’t heye enough to keep up and (2) I was constantly running low on energy if I had to rely on casting-spam to keep health up. Now admittedly I only have one Shuroth ring equipped, since I’ve been unable as yet to farm a second one, and am using a Viloth’s ring instead. I think (2) is probably the biggest impediment to (1). How do you manage energy?

(GT link with the MIs I’ve got)

Try using an arcane Spark in your medal

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hm, that is weird, 'cause you almost have the exact same build, second shuroth shouldn’t affect mana sustain nor the health one. Try using spark in medal instead of ruby and mark of the traveler in boots to compensate the slow res loss, like this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRdm1j2
maybe it’s worth to also spend additional attribute points in spirit for energy regen, but spark should be enough.
i also think the health sustain problems come from mana, 'cause lifesteal was enough for me.
Irregardless of your results, please write back whether that did solve the problem or not.

Yeah, arcane spark is my usual go-to in caster builds, not least because of the OA; but I’m loath to drop resistances to cap, or sacrifice the extra health that both the existing spellscorched plating and blazing ruby give. My comparison is an Invoker’s Blaze PRM magehunter, where I never have to worry about energy; here I find myself “easing off the trigger” to preserve energy. Which I can’t afford to do in SR. I do want to say that this is one of the few builds I consider a work of art; kudos for that! I hadn’t considered DEE a serious option previously, and I love the pseudopet eyes.

perhaps not the best one, due to the fact that arcanist has so mental alactiry and inner focus, but i got the point.

actually, but changing boot’s&medal coomponent and shufling the augments a bit the only thing you end up loosing is about 18% of chaos res overcap, which is not a big deal, and around 500hp. But you gain extra DA (by moving points from cunning to physique), 8% movement speed and solve pretty much all mana problems.
that’s what i did - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2Gg36n2
I’ve also tested previous version w/o spark and didn’t have much of mana problems in SR, although quite ofthen chugged the energy potion.

Thanks! I also like the eye’s from amulet, they’re cool.

To followup - you were right, the Arcane Spark is enough to allow me not to have to throttle the spam-cast. Not sure if that’s the additional skill energy reduction, or a function of the energy drain from enemies, but it’s no longer a huge constraint. The Mark of the Traveler is a real quality of life boost as well; I’ve gotten accustomed to having a movement rate of 135%, and the previous 120% or so is a quite noticable drop. Being near 130 is a nice relief. As for health sustain - still seems a bit fragile. I am wondering if the second Shuroth ring makes a difference, for the ADCtH returned by the circling proc - I would not have thought that significant. Other observations - it’s nice to have to not rely upon Blood of Dreeg being up to have full poison resist, as many other occultist builds do; this gives a certain tactical flexibility for timing emergency heals. For damage output - stellar; it’s rather pleasant to see mobs of enemies dying in the aftermath of exploding puddles of acid and poison. It’s a pity we don’t get the DoT component when ADCtH is calculated. Definitely stronger offensively than its cousin the Invoker’s PRM analogue.

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Updated with a new run on the new setup!
1191 Grey’s DEE Sentinel (Updated version) - YouTube

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Hmmm… This belt also might be worth checking out if more Energy is needed
Mythical Girdle of Stolen Dreams Update:

Dreeg’s Evil Eye: reduced Energy Cost scaling at ultimate ranks