[] Runic Rave Party - Tri-Elemental Runebinder Paladin [SR80] [Ravager of Souls, Mogdrogen]

I don’t think I have problems on any browser yet I use nested details a lot: Link

Also @Evil_Baka who I stole the idea from: [] [Tactician] Serving the Light


I think part of my problem with them is that they wouldn’t (or I could never figure out how) to position them in further, like a nest.

But we are starting to turn his build thread into a forum editing thread :scorv:


Holy #%(*@#, I only JUST realized that I forgot to put an augment on my shield (was swapping through some different stuff for testing). LOL. Well, Ravager killtime should be faster and SR runs should be even easier than what I showed.

Screenshot/GT links updated too. Geez. I really was tired when I posted.

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Uploaded a video of SR. It has no sound - oh well, I am new to this recording thing.


Oh nice, I have an update for elemental runebinder paladin that only uses the gun so we can be opposite buddies! lol

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Nice - I look forward to seeing yours, and might try it as well :smiley: I wanted to play with the gun in my setup, but didn’t like how a lack of shield (with the armor) kinda made it a glass turd.

Nice thanks, it’s more static and tanky than I expected

Yeah, at least on 80, you can still do that in the boss room for the most part. The trash shards involve a lot more running around, you can’t pull too much at once or stand in environmental hazards or your health just disappears.

Above that though is another story. Fabius repatedly slaughtered me in the 84 boss room and I haven’t tried climbing higher again with this. :face_with_head_bandage:

I think that devotion procs bindings in the defensive version are not what they are supposed to be according to the description.

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Ah you’re right. Not sure how that happened. Fixed, thanks.

Updated the build for; retooled stats for a wee bit more OA and moved points from Ignition overcap to Ascension, which turned out to improve performance.

Also added video of Ravager kill. It’s a 4 minute kill now, much better than before :slight_smile: