[ -] Gaze Unfathomable - Rotgheist Spam Vitality Dreeg's Evil Eye Conjurer [sr+][vid]

Hello, my fellow citizens of this forum! :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:

Today I am going to show my variation of Rotgheist DEE Conjurer build that is not cooldown-based and does not have Primal Strike in its rotation. Why not Cabalist or Sentinel, you may ask? Well, because in order to fully hardcap DEE line and not to be left without reasonable secondary mastery I chose specific gear that supports Shaman more that others. And I want to have Conjurer in my collection (in case the build in question fails :sweat_smile:).

This is what I “conjured”.

1. Grimtools link.

As a rule, Vitality casters have zero-to-none Casting Speed, CC resistances and Energy Regen. So the Scales route was chosen instead of Revenant for our mana-hungry Eyes :laughing:. Ghoul is fully usable because of Rotgheist set that gives 100% WD to our main ability, so we can life-leech like crazy (well, in theory). The rest is pretty standard, Rattosh + Dying God etc., nothing new.

2. In-game character stats.
general stats, only passive buffs and Blood of Dreeg are active. Damage Per Second is for DEE
DEE breakdown
magic stats
defense stats

3. Gear/Build explanation.
All items were chosen, as I said above, to hardcap DEE and overcome natural obstacles of Vitality casters. Not everything was achieved unfortunately :neutral_face:.

  1. Core items.
    Set. Rotgheist. Great bonuses to Vitality DEE (for Acid nothing beats Dreeg set), much damage to it (more dot-oriented though), 100% WD, AoE. But not a single drop of AS/CS, even Total, makes it lame for spam variant :roll_eyes:. At least, we have Stun Resistance on it. Other than that, the set is okay.
    Off-hand. Blood Orb of Ch’thon. Converts all Acid Damage (not only for DEE itself but its modifiers as well which is great for damage output), +1 to both masteries, useful Slow Resistance. Craftable. Of course, you can use Hallanx’s Head, it is an alternative, but it has less %Damage, no crafting bonus, no CC res, only half of global Acid-to-Vitality conversion. Orb is just more versatile and does almost the same job if not better (except for ADCtH, Hallanx is a winner in that league).
  2. Mandatory items.
    Rings. Ring of Vile Intent. Critical DEE line bonuses, %Vitality Damage, %CS. No RR rings means we have to take Shaman to compensate it (even though Devouring Swarm is bad in terms of utility :unamused:).
    Weapon. Runed Dagger of Dreeg. Points to DEE line (especially Vile Eruption), +22% Crit to our main ability. Good weapon without %CS (so that no one can abuse it outside of full Dreeg set? :thinking:).
    Pants. Venomskin Legwraps. +3 to Blood Burst and Vile Eruption, nice set of Resistances, proc is also not bad against single targets. Some %Vitality Damage would be great but whatever.
    Relic. Eldritch Pact. Great Vitality/Chaos item for Occultists, proc is quite damaging despite not being fully converted, %Elemental Res.
    Belt. Girdle of Stolen Dreams. +1 to Occultist, some %CS (most important), OA, Energy leech.
    Medal. Basilisk Fang. More %Crit damage and life-leech to DEE. Look for suffixes with %Stun res (Demonic, of Cabal etc).
    Gloves. Dark One’s Grasp. We need that DR on Bloody Pox, Wendigo Totem heals more as a bonus. But otherwise without %CS it is sorta bad slot choice :confused:.
  3. Can be changed.
    Boots. Boneshatter Treads. Just good Vitality boots with +2 to Devouring Swarm, %Slow Res, %Phys Res, OA, proc just exists. Some nice crafted Stoneplates could be an alternative, or Voidwalker Footpads (but they do not have %Phys Res).

Craft with Reduced Freeze Duration (bonus is provided by Malmouth blacksmith in Steelcap District).

About Resistance Reduction. Total amount is ~140% (-61% from Devouring Swarm, -31% from Vulnerability modifier of Curse of Frailty, -28% from Rattosh constellation and flat 20 from Scales constellation (when hit)). Only Kuba is our problem, annoying and dies hard. Others are manageable.

4. Gameplay .
Debuff enemies with Bloody Pox, Devouring Swarm and Curse of Frailty. Shower them with your DEEs. Uptime Blood of Dreeg and do not forget about Wendigo Totem for extra healing/a bit of damage. Wendigo Rush for movement. Straightforward and without nuances :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

5. Videos.
Mad Queen (do not fight her when her red aura is up).




SR 75 full.

Avatar of Mogdrogen (old video) (potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters, some healpots during second phase just to be safe).

Ravager of Flesh (potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters, occasional healpots, kiting. It was hard before, now it is even more. I do not like this encounter at all).

Callagadra (potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters, occasional healpots, kiting).

Crate boss (potions are in the video, one tactical Aether Cluster, occasional healpots, kiting).

Clones of Bourbon (potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters and healpots).

My thoughts? The concept of spamming Vitality DEE is artificially gimped due to low %CS. Possible, but not amazing and too gear-dependant. Acid variant is just miles better. Also, I greatly dislike DEE mechanic of destroying at every obstacle/projectile/whatever, it ruins health sustain greatly. And yes, Devouring Swarm is still not pleasant to use, sorry.

What do you think? Please, write your thoughts and critique. And thanks for reading the topic :slightly_smiling_face:.

Have a nice day!


Post reservation :laughing:.

just what I have been looking for :D. did you level via shaman or DEE way? I am really new to the game so if I ask noob questions I apologize

Vitality Grasping Vines through this off-hand Groble Sand Effigy - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database.

Hi! patch has brought only this:

  • Basilisk Fang: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Dreeg’s Evil Eye to 5% and its % Retaliation added to Attack modifier to 12%
  • Rattosh, the Veilwarden: increased Health to 250
  • Solemn Watcher: increased Physique to 25 and % Defensive Ability to 5%
  • Heart of the Wild: reduced % Health scaling with rank to 26% by rank 10 and increased scaling at ultimate ranks such that value at max ultimate rank remains at 40%

~200 Health dropped, our main attack heals more. Still playable :slightly_smiling_face:.


Hello! :slightly_smiling_face:

What is new in patch for this build?

  • Aspect of the Guardian: increased base % Physical Resist by 2% and increased % All Retaliation damage scaling with rank

We still want more %CS! Gloves, Rotgheist set, Dreeg dagger - anywhere.


This is update:

  • Basilisk Fang: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifiers for Aegis of Menhir and Dreeg’s Evil Eye to 6% and 8%, respectively
  • Dark One’s Grasp: increased % Heal modifier for Wendigo Totem to 4%
  • Rotgheist Emblem: increased Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Dreeg’s Evil Eye to 15%
  • Rattosh, the Veilwarden: increased Health to 350
  • Sailor’s Guide: added 15% Fire Resist and increased % Run Speed to 10%
  • Scales of Ulcama: increased % Health to 6%, Health to 250 and % Run Speed to 6%
  • Solemn Watcher: replaced % Cold Resist with 18% Chaos Resist
  • Bloody Pox: increased Bleed damage scaling with rank
  • Wasting: increased Vitality damage scaling at ultimate ranks. Increased % Bleed damage scaling with rank to 144% by rank 12, 264% by max ultimate rank
  • Black Death: increased % Bleed and % Vitality damage scaling with rank to 144% by rank 12, 264% by max ultimate rank

The build is up-to-date. Have fun!

Good evening! :slightly_smiling_face:

Updating builds to and testing continues, now it is Rotgheist turn.

  • Mythical Voidwalker Footpads: reduced Cooldown on the granted skill
  • Dark One’s Grasp: increased Offensive Ability to 140
  • Mythical Runed Dagger of Dreeg: increased bonus to Vile Eruption to +3
  • Rotgheist Chestguard: increased bonus to Dreeg’s Evil Eye to +3
  • Candle: reduced Energy Regeneration to 2.5
  • Dying God: added 8-20 Chaos damage for pets and increased Defensive Ability to 55
  • Ghoul: increased Health Regeneration to 16 and % Health Regeneration to 30%
  • Rattosh the Veilwarden: added 45 Defensive Ability and 5% Physical Resist
  • Scales of Ulcama: reduced Energy Regeneration to 2.5 and incrased Health Regeneration to 30 and Defensive Ability to 45
  • Ghoulish Hunger: added % Increased Healing (Forgotten Gods only) and added % Cast Speed
  • Mark of Rattosh: increased % Life Leech Resist Reduction to -10%
  • Blood of Dreeg: reduced Cooldown to 12s and increased Duration to 60s. Increased Energy Cost and Health Regeneration scaling with rank. Increased % Heal at scaling at ultimate ranks.
  • Possession: increased % Absorption scaling with rank to 18% by rank 12, 25% by max ultimate rank
  • Mogdrogen’s Pact: increased Health Regeneration scaling with rank
  • Heart of the Wild: increased % Health Regeneration scaling with rank. Fixed Bleeding and Poison Duration Reduction to correctly reduce the duration of these dots, rather than being multipliers for other Duration Reduction effects.
  • Wendigo Totem: increased base % Heal to 3% and increased Damage and Energy Cost scaling with rank
  • Blood Pact: increased Vitality damage scaling with rank

Updated Grimtools link, some old videos and added new ones (Ravager, Callagadra, Crate, Clones of Bourbon). One thing I have to say - this is the worst Vitality build I have ever played :frowning_face:. Immortal Vitality casters, huh… Or is it DEE itself? Both? Maybe so.

Anyway, thanks for reading and have a good time!

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Sorry to hear that it’s worst Vit caster You played.

Set still needs buffs? Or just matter of eye + set + class combo?

Thanks for updating your builds sir!

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For me it is the worst, maybe someone more competent than I can make the idea strong. Set needs Speed, gloves need Speed, dagger needs Speed, DEE should not burst on every spark so that I can actually hit enemies and sustain, Devouring Swarm is just horrible… Yeah :sweat_smile:.

Hello again! :grinning:

This build needs a little bit of tuning for current patch.

  • Blackwater Cocktail, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Fire Strike and Weapon Pool skills now have new visuals when used with skill modifiers that change their damage (ex. when converted to lightning, they will be visually electric). If you use Hallanx head - eyes are red now :grin:.
  • Component - Seal of Might: replaced % Physical Resist with 8% Armor on the granted skill
  • Rotgheist Mask: reduced Radius modifier for Dreeg’s Evil Eye to 0.5
  • Ghoul: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 5%
  • Scales of Ulcama: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 5%
  • Mark of Rattosh: increased Vitality damage scaling with rank and increased base % Vitality Resist Reduction by -3%
  • Blood of Dreeg: reduced Health Regeneration scaling at ultimate ranks
  • Aspect of the Guardian: Increased % damage scaling with rank to 100% by rank 12, 210% by max ultimate rank. Reduced % Physical Resist scaling with rank to 10% by rank 12, 13% by max ultimate rank.
  • Bloody Pox: increased damage scaling with rank
  • Wasting: increased Vitality damage scaling with rank
  • Black Death: increased Poison damage scaling with rank
  • Dreeg’s Evil Eye: increased Damage scaling with rank and reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank
  • Blood Burst: increased base Radius by 0.5 and increased damage scaling with rank
  • Terrifying Gaze: increased Vitality damage scaling with rank and reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank. Added 1.0 Radius bonus.
  • Vile Eruption: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank
  • Solael’s Witchfire: added Defensive Ability scaling with rank and increased % Attack Speed scaling at ultimate ranks to 23% by max ultimate rank. Reduced % Vitality damage scaling with rank to 75% by rank 12, 145% by max ultimate rank.
  • Second Rite: added % Crit damage and % Bleed damage scaling with rank
  • Vulnerability: increased Defensive Ability Reduction scaling with rank to 100 by rank 10, 200 by max ultimate rank
  • Devouring Swarm: increased size and radius of the projectile by ~60%
  • Heart of the Wild: reduced % Health Regeneration scaling at ultimate ranks
  • Oak Skin: increased Defensive Ability scaling with rank to 108 by rank 12, 180 by max ultimate rank

Some great buffs to DEE, I must admit :slightly_smiling_face:. But %Phys Res hurts. Had to use different boots to lessen such drastic loss. And main skill is still non-pleasant to use in many occasions, its core mechanics are… :neutral_face:. Oh well. GT link and screenshots updated.

Until next post!

Hi! :slightly_smiling_face:

Here are patch changes for this build.

  • Mythical Boneshatter Treads: added 3% Max Run Speed
  • Bloody Pox: increased damage scaling with rank
  • Wasting: increased Vitality damage scaling with rank
  • Black Death: increased Poison damage scaling with rank
  • Dreeg’s Evil Eye: increased Acid damage scaling with rank
  • Blood Burst: modifier now applies to the base skill rather than creating a secondary eruption. Values adjusted accordingly.
  • Terrifying Gaze: increased Vitality damage scaling with rank. Removed Radius bonus.
  • Vile Eruption: increased damage scaling with rank
  • Second Rite: increased % Damage scaling with rank to 100% by rank 12, 210% by max ultimate rank and increased % Crit damage scaling with rank to 20% by rank 12, 30% by max ultimate rank
  • Vulnerability: increased Defensive Ability Reduction scaling with rank to 150 by rank 10, 300 by max ultimate rank

More steroids for DEE do not hurt, right? :laughing: Damage is noticeably greater, burst-on-everything mechanic is present still but less annoying. And we need another reliable way to reduce enemy’s damage, but our options are limited. Looking forward to next patches! Same GT link, screenshots updated.

Have a nice day!

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Thanks for your build!
What do you think about this approach?

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Hi! :slightly_smiling_face:

Your build is viable, no doubt :+1: (but this awful DR provided by Lodestone component :sweat_smile:…). I would use Emberguards too if I had a reliable source of DR - for now it is through Dark One gloves only. Other options for that might be: