[] [HC] High Regen/Lot of pets Ghol Conjurer (Callagadra 3min30, Ravager of Mind 1min10, Mogdrogen 1min20, Crate 40 sec, SR 75+, crucible 4min50)

Oh noooo ! This is very sad ! RIP, you had a glorious death !

That said, I would never have believed the build capable of passing a 99^^. So this is both good and bad news !

I’ve never been in SR100 so I don’t know how hard they are hitting here, but I’m quite surprised that the killer is Reaper Nemesis, the build has about 60% phys res (or more depending on the affixes on the shield) and a decent pool of hp.

Again, I don’t know how things are past SR80, so I don’t know if those timers are decent or not, but thanks a lot for sharing your results and vids :slight_smile: !

This build only drawback is pet cant get good Taunt effect to Nemesis in deep SR. besides this is perfect.

Reaper have chargeg attack. when I die before, Reaper already follow me attack 6~7times. also have many kind of RR. at that time I already got SR buff have 70% phy res. (I have many build dead in Reaper hand in deep sr, so after 100, Reaper damage sometime is very dangerous)

(have a type of hero, name : Gilisten, the Reborn, have reborn skill, if have some skill、equipment、devotion can like that, I will try deep in HC, but now Nemesis damage really crazy than before.)

Data of 100 level Reaper

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look at this amulet. the sand king was no advantage.
as u wish now!

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Thanks for the explanations about Reaper, I understand better now !

Concerning the amulet, this is a good surprise ! I’ve made some tests/changes and I am currently updating the guide, I have now my own fight against Callagadra on video, and also the one against mogdrogen (had to restart a char for this xD).

vs Callagadra (~3min30) :

vs Mog (~1min20)

vs Ravager (~1min10)

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crucible section up to date, with the addition of a 4"50 run :

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Good day sir, awesome pet build. i’ll like to ask ya the devotion points order for this character, thank you very much

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Thanks ! Actually I don’t remember the order, but let me just try it quickly on grimtool. (note that this devotion path is, as always, not set in stone, fell free to experiment^^ I didn’t change the devotion since patch )

So, it is quite a pain in the ass actually, because you have to take a lot of devotions that you will “refund” later to meet requirements.

I suggest something like that :
-Go for Shepherd’s Crook first
-Then take Jackal, Eel, Raven and Lion, order doesn’t matter (we will delete those later, except raven)
-This will allow you to take Behemoth, Staff of Rattosh, Typhos, Bysmiel’s Bond, Harvestman’s Scythe (order doesn’t matter again)
-Now you can remove unnecessary points/devotions : remove Eel, Jackal, Lion, everything in Crossroads except a yellow and a green nod
-Take Empty Throne, and you should have all the requirements to do the same devotion path as the one in the guide.

There are surely better ways to do it, but this one works^^

thank you very much man, really appreciated. one last thing tho, is this a “viable pet build” for everything? i mean i really love pet builds (i’m trying to do a necro and occ pet build with skeles and lost souls, but thinking about going death gates for more damage) and i’m trying almost every pet build to find the best. what’s your opinion about it (also if ya find more powerful lost souls or death gates build for cabalist). thank you very much

As mentionned in the guide, you can indeed do all the endgame content, included superbosses (the build is actually quite good for those). With a bit of practice, you can do crucible runs consistently in about 5"-5"30 (I myself am not a good pilote in crucible, and I managed to do a 4"50 run). As for SR, you can easily do 75-76 runs, and if you are interested in pushing higher SR, well Duskdeep86 pushed a 99 with a slight variation of this build. Keep in mind all of this was done in hardcore, I think you can achieve more impressive results with a more agressive approach.

“the best” is a very relative concept in GrimDawn imo :stuck_out_tongue: . It really depends on which area of endgame content you want your build to shine. It is also a matter of personal taste^^.

I suggest you to try your best with items you like, and to define precisely what you want for endgame content.

For example this build [] My Deep SR Pet Conjurer - SR125 solo, Callagadra, Lokarr, Ravager has absurd results, I mean, SR 125, it really is something, but what the matter if you don’t care about SR ?

You might prefer a build like this [] Chaos Lost Souls Cabalist - CR 3:49 if you want a glass canon able to destroy crucible in no time (btw this one is a Lost Soul cabalist and is imo very fun to play, I myself played a very close variant of this build). But what if you don’t care about crucible ?

You see, there’s not a definitive answer, you can, probably, find a pet build that is objectively the best at doing, say, crucible (and even then, rng, mutators, pilot skills, make an “objective” approach difficult). But I doubt you’ll ever found the very best pet build at everything xD.

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I this one being updated to or is good as it is?

With a few tweaks and at least a double rare Packla’s Skins mask it is possible to use this build to facetank most bosses including Callagadra. This is the setup I used. My time against her was around 3:45. To facetank her, just like with my Not a Step Back! builds, it is necessary to position your pets in such a way that they don’t die while you tank: the melee ones behind her and the crow away to the side.


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Oh ! I haven’t played in a while, and due to recent changes about pets (and especially primal instinct and spiders), I thought the build was kinda dead. I’m glad to see it is not the case ! I never thought about using this helmet tbh, nice idea !

I wonder though, is blightstone invoker better than other alternatives ? The recent changes to Mythical Black Scourge seemed promising^^.

That said, your version seems very tanky, a lot more regen and hp, and thus more suitable for hardcore, especially if you can facetank everything. I’ll add your build in the OP, thanks again !

All builds will have more health regeneration. Since a lot of extra health regeneration has been added to all sorts of constellations. I imagine if you boot your game up and open up that build you’d see an extra 1000-1500 health regeneration than what you’d expect. Either way it is not as important as physical resistance at least when it comes to facetanking Callagadra.

This seems pretty awkward to do, do you have a trick for this? Atleast the crow part(crow so squishy compared to other pets).

You basically need to click your pet icons and order them to move where you want them. If Callagadra is attacking you it is simpler as you can just walk back a bit so all the melee pets end up behind her. You can watch the videos in my guides to see how I do it. It is a bit awkward only because while your pets are going ham they ignore half your orders so you have to tell them to move out of the way many times before they get it. For the crow it can be frustrating because it can die in one second after being summoned against Callagadra. Sometimes, I don’t know why, Callagadra might just turn around and begin attacking the Briarthorn even if he has no points in his threat generating ability which can make the fight frustrating.

Briarthorn has built in Taunt - Grim Dawn Pet Database

There are key binds available for first 5 pets (F2-F6 by default), no need for clicking :smiley:

BTW, the build may be able to kill Celestials, but i can’t kill Loghorrean on Ultimate, pets just cant properly come close to him to attack, corner is too narrow for pets and mobs together :smiling_face_with_tear: Finally killed it after few deaths, but still it’s a pain. Fat Briartorn just walks near the boss attacking tentacles, no matter how many times i ordered him to attack the boss.

Thanks for the build. Just got my first ever Mogdrogen kill :smiley:

Tried to reply to this post

That’s great! I am afraid that for now using that build you may not be able to facetank Callagadra as I intended due to the changes brought about by the physical resistance update. I have made a few quick tests and Callagadra’s damage output feels more or less like it used to so you still need around 75% physical resistance if you want to facetank that beast. It is still possible to get but requires different optimization so I need to get back to the drawing board to create an updated Not a Step Back! build.

Here is my updated version that can facetank but doesn’t kill things as quickly as I would like. Its time against Mogdrogen was 3:40, against Callagadra 4:55, and againt Ravager of Flesh 3:30. I didn’t really need to move. The green Bulwark is less useful now seeing as physical resistance is very hard to get; the Maw of the Damned on the other hand gives you a very solid chunk of physical resistance. Health regeneration in general is swapped out for more totem heals. The Soulbearer now gives you an extra totem and that counts for approximately 4000 extra health per second for both you and your pets. The Primal Instinct bugs don’t seem very impactful and die very quickly. On the other hand the Skeletal Servant from Dirge of Arkovia performs very well and also helps by reducing enemy damage.

For best results it is nice to get lucky rings and a lucky mark; I prefer to shoot for at least 75% physical conversion to acid and 50-60% vitality conversion to acid. It’s fairly simply to squeeze more damage out of the build by sacrficing some defensive items and components for more offensive ones but that would more or less undermine the purpose of the build which is to be very tanky. My new Bysmiel’s Facetanking Conjurer overall performs better and uses less green items than this tanky version but this is a solid alternative for people who don’t like birds. I also tried very hard to make a Ritualist work but the Conjurer simply has a lot more useful tools for this kind of build.

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