The forum became so desolate, build topics so rare. This is not right. At least untild GD2 comes out . I still have many builds to share and here is one of them - Dawnbreaker Vindicator.
Why not Warder, you say? Well, it is good, but I wanted to try something else that makes sense. Tactitian does not have an AA replacer to sustain and has two conflicting auras to choose between - AoC and MB. Also, we have only one Retaliation Vindicator here, from AoM era, old and outdated severely.
Time to bring the archetype to the table again!
1. Grimtools link.
Heavy Lightning Retal setup with decent survivability and damage even against casters. 16/16 Savagery is optional, you can leave it one-pointed and throw skill points somewhere else (in Mogdrogenâs Pact for more Energy Regen, for example, you need to cast Grasping Vines often).
2. In-game character stats.
general stats, only passive buffs and Word of Renewal are active. Damage Per Second is for Savagery
retaliation stats
defense stats
3. Gear/Build explanation.
I took all gear with flat Lightning Retaliation since it has huge numbers range for some âflavorâ reasons . To make it worthwhile in terms of damage. It costed some +1 Skills though.
- Core items.
Set 1. Dawnseekerâs Light. A nice set for Lightning Retaliation Warders, its Inquisitor support is just some boring numbers to Word of Renewal. Anyway, it does its job. Some %RtA to Savagery, flat RR, good proc with RtA and other QoL stuff. Except for %AS on weapon. Although it need %Total Speed more.
- Mandatory items.
3 parts of Set 2. Dawnshield. Another great Lightning Retaliation set with huge numbers, points to Grasping Vines line for AoE damage, 15% Phys Res at average, no OA/DA at all.
Rings. Creeping Ring. We do not have Lightning Retal rings and want some stats badly (OA/%Acid/Vitality/Aether Res mostly, %Slow Res is also great - for all green MIs). These are good ones even for non-Acid Retal builds. Easily farmable in Ancient Grove/during Ugdenbloom crusades.
Pants. Anchoriteâs Leg Armor. Flat and percentage Lightning Retal numbers, %Stun Res, points to Raging Tempest for more RR and Arcane Empowerment.
Relic. Eye of the Storm. +1 to Shaman, big Lightning Retal numbers on relic and its granted aura. Try to get Entangling Vines bonus for additional RtA to Grasping Vines.
Belt. Stormtouched Chains. Good Retaliation numbers, both flat and percentage, OA. Not much to choose from.
Medal. Ikrix Scale. The only medal with Lightning Retal. Same stats as for Rings are desirable.
Boots. Stormbearers. Flat Lightning Retal, %Phys Res, DA, proc with RtA. Stormtitans offer less than these boots and proc is overriden by AoC aura.
Craft with Reduced Stun/Freeze Duration (bonus is provided by Malmouth blacksmith in Steelcap District).
About Resistance Reduction. Total amount is ~105-111% (-33% from Wind Devils, -25% from AoC, -35% from Widow constellation and flat 12-18 from Dawnbreakerâs Sledge) plus 20% RR from Viper constellation, so it can vary. Of course, Valdaran, Morgoneth and Grava are annoying to beat, but not impossible. Just takes some time. No particular problems against other Nemeses.
4. Gameplay.
Charge into crowds, cast some Grasping Vines for AoE and single damage too, Shield Slam sometimes to proc Dryad and Savagely beat everything you see . Uptime Wind Devils and WoR, use Inquisitor Seal and Wendigo Totem for defense and Will of the Fallen Kings for battlefield movements. Watch everything electrocuted by touching you
5. Videos.
Mad Queen (did not use Vines much to not proc her retal spikes).
Lokarr (runs like a scared chicken).
SR 75 full (one death to Zantarinâs barrage, returned and beat his sorry a**e . Twice. No time lost).
Avatar of Mogdrogen (old video) (bad for melee Retal builds, high %Lightning Res, annoying Rats. Not a pleasant fight. But possible. Potions are in the video, no Clusters, occasional healpots).
Ravager of Minds (no potions, no Aether Clusters, occasional healpots, kiting. Greatly annoyed by totems - his and mine - and sunder projectiles. Just horrible boss design, in my opinion ).
Callagadra (potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters, one healpot, facetank with evading on sunder. Its thick frame messes with our Seals and totem much ).
Okay, that was my Dawnbreaker Vindicator. Fun, sparky, not a Warder, annoying to pilot, but still good build to try. Hope you liked it as well. And had some feedback, of course. Feel free to comment, as usual.
Thank you for reading. Until next build!