It is time for another build of mine. I had great doubts about posting it, the results did not satisfy my expectations. But maybe someone will like the idea, who knows? So, what is the build about?
S&B Fire Warlord. Sounds great! But it is Grim Dawn and Fire means “one of the worst damage types” (only slightly better than Lightning). Too many resistant enemies and the most dangerous Nemeses - Grava, Iron Maiden, Fabius etc. To play Fire/Lightning outside double RR class is just horrible (according to my experience). But the skills and devotions look amazing indeed . Maybe it is pretty tanky thanks to shield archetype and Warlord class? Not much, to be honest. Warlord is points-hungry class, too much sacrifices and compromises needed. Now it sounds not that great, right?
Do not worry, the build is not that bad. Just again, do not expect much.
Let us start the discussion!
1. Grimtools link.
Mostly defense-oriented setup - Dryad, Tortoise, Phoenix - with Ulzuin’s Torch and Magi devotions for damage. Ghoul, Revenant - usual stuff for melee WD-oriented builds.
2. In-game character stats.
general stats, only passive buffs are active. Damage Per Second is for RF
Blitz breakdown
magic stats
defense stats
3. Gear/Build explanation.
Damage, survivability, sustain, skillpoints - we need them all. Some gear may appear an overkill, but believe me - the build really needs it.
- Core items.
Set. Justicar Guard. Heavy Fire set for Blitz, Forcewave and Judgment that has Demolitionist “support” for no reason (+1 on helmet and no modifiers to any of Demo skills, seriously?). Gloves have no %Fire Damage. Only up to 6% Phys Res for a whole set, for masteries that have no Phys Res whatsoever
. Is it Fire version of Light’s Defender? So many questions. But it does its job anyway, converted Blitz (S&B) has good damage, proc is also nice. Even -15% Cunning on chest helps. It needs defense bump for sure (and real Demo support).
Weapon. Soulblade. Actually great slot for Fire RF, converts it fully (Armor Piercing does not apply) and gives it huge lifesteal. Also has global ADCtH and even +2 to Smite (which is also fully-converted). Good weapon.
Amulet. Bloodbriar’s Thorn. Huge -0.9 sec modifier to Blitz, +15% Crit Damage to it, +3 to Blindside. Look for Acid/Bleed/Aether/Stun/Freeze res and OA first - for all armor and jewelry MIs.
Shield. Fleshwarped Defender. Has -0.5 sec and 18% DR for Judgment - important, redundant conversion to it. Yes, I have triple-rare one, but it is completely legal. Vendor-farm it in Port Valbury, also there are a lot of enemies with this shield. Basically you need %Phys Res on prefix and %Fire Damage on suffix. Like Durable of Scorching.
Medal. Wendigo Glare. Damage modifiers to SS and Blitz, skillpoints and %Crit Damage. - Mandatory items.
Ring 1. Gargabol’s Ring. +3 to RF and much-needed %Bleed Res, Physical/Fire affinity.
Ring 2. Combustion Band. Standard Fire RR ring, especially important on single RR classes.
Pants. Hellforged Legplates. Heavy Physical/Fire slot with up to 7% Phys Res, big DA, %Acid Res. Proc is just another portion of damage, does not hurt.
Relic. Serenity. +1 to All Skills - important for points-starved classes like Warlord, %Aether Res and circuit-breaker. Look for resistances similar to MIs.
Belt. Gargoyle Girdle. +1 to Oathkeeper, %Petrify and %Chaos Res. Conversion may be useful if you want to use Seal of Blades (but I still recommend two Seals of Might, helps agains Iron Maiden much).
Boots. Emberstone Threads. Provide +2 to Blitz to hardcap it, %Fire Damage, %Phys and %Acid Res. All is good, everything is needed.
Craft with Reduced Stun Duration (bonus is provided by Malmouth blacksmith in Steelcap District).
About Resistance Reduction. Total amount is ~82% (-27% from GoE aura, -8% from Combustion Band proc, -23% from Solael’s Witchblade constellation and flat 24 from Revenant constellation) plus 20% from Viper constellation, so it may vary. Not great for Fire, but this is what we can get. As I said - Grava, Iron Maiden, Fabius - are all hard to beat (but not impossible, use your defensive skills smartly). Also SR Gargabol can be dangerous, any heavy Physical fighter hurts much. Yeah, for S&B it is quite glassy .
4. Gameplay.
Blitz into crowds, use Judgment to reduce enemies damage and proc stuff (also pulls monsters to you, synergises well with Blitz and Justicar procs), RF in-between for sustain. Overguard/Ascension for defense, Violent Delights for disengage/faster battlefield movement when there are no enemies to charge into. Nothing difficult.
5. Videos (original setup used).
Mad Queen.
SR 75 full (the build is damaging but fragile, so be careful).
Avatar of Mogdrogen (old video) (very hard on Phase 2, hits like a truck, so no facetanking. Potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters, occasional healpots. Also I took out Veterancy skillpoint and placed it into Markovian’s Defense for better Overguard uptime).
Ravager of Flesh (potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters, occasional healpots and Courageous Tinctures, kiting out of blood pools and broken sunder attacks. Hits hard, leeches mana like crazy).
Callagadra (potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters, occasional healpots and Courageous Tinctures, kiting).
No Crate kill (are you kidding? ).
Well, there was my S&B Fire Blitz Warlord. “So much wasted potential”(c). We need a lot of skillpoints for it. The damage is sometimes great for a shield-based build, but defense …
Thanks for reading, your feedback is always highly appreciated. Until next time!