[] Arcane Archer: Thunderbolt - Sr 76, Cr 150

GrimTools: Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

So I’ve been making big-hit 2he ranged builds, to see what sort of big damage I can get out of 'em. This is the first of three that I’ve made that I’m happy enough with. Biggest hit so far is 782,900 damage which you can see at 3:14 vs Fabius in the video below.

As you can see, despite the low defenses of this build, the very high damage output makes SR 75 feel like a breeze.

Primary focus of the build is weapon damage %, crit damage, getting flat weapon damage high, and decent RR. :smiley:

Enjoy! :slight_smile:


same weapon, “slightly” diff build/approach :grin:

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Oooh, delish :3

Ohh yes. Have seen and tried some of those big crit upheaval builds :smiley:

Part of my goal is to try and find a way to consistently deal big numbers. I wanted to see if I could get 500k damage on “most hits” or something. It might not be possible, but because of that, I didn’t want to rely on Upheaval. But, it begs the question - how often do you crit with 4467 OA?

For multiplayer, I am also considering pairing some of these snipers with this Disruptor build that I made, which lowers DA by 38% + 320 to enemies… Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

So that would be fun to pair with upheaval, for sure :open_mouth:

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Heh, I probably shouldn’ve known there’d be a crit chance calculator around. Ty ty :slight_smile:

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no procs active here or DA shred, so just the regular casul OA, against SR 75 nemesis

i think GT might be a bit off on SR enemies DA values, if i plug their 2700+ DA in i should get around 31% crit chance

against MC dummy for comparison

i tried the “same” build with Elementalist to use the passthrough firestrike from Arcaneweaver, but druid is just way more “tanky” and mines are so fn clunky, but i’m sure it could technically score a higher dmg shot as Elementalist from extra RR, just doesn’t feel as good/comfy playing vs Druid

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You know, I was toying with a new ‘damage boost’ support build that would be really fun to try with your druid…

Here’s the draft idea, and I’d probably choose a class other than Arcanist if I was to pair with yours. But the 18% total damage boost, added crit damage, added OA, DA shred etc etc etc… :smiley:

You inspired me to try some other things… so I came up with this one last night.

It relies on a bunch of temp buffs, and it’s a bit squishy for my liking… But the damage certainly gets up there! 563260 from one of the two cadence bullets, which would make it’s combined-bullet hit of around 1.12m or so

It’s got some fun numbers, but not quite my favourite build just yet…

cadence is a 1h scaled skill, so for cadence bullet only fires with 1h/1dmg boosted bullet :sweat_smile:

Wait, whaaaaaaat?

It says it hits with both hands?

…but testing it out on the training dummy, it does only fire one bullet on the cadence hit :open_mouth: Damn!

From what I calculated last night, it should be able to do a cadence crit of around 880k dmg total in absolutely peak circumstances. But apparently I don’t understand GD basics xD

Well, that’s disappointing!

GD tooltip lies :grin:
in Cadence’s case it’s because it does technically use offhand, just not in a regular dual wield scaling fashion/“hitting with both hands”, it follows the normal base dw mechanic of alternating hands, 50% chance to use both hands 25% to use left 25% to use right,
and then when it does fire with both hands only 1h is cadence dmg scaled and the other shot is then normal/“blank white base AA” or wps

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Hah. I did not understand these DW mechanics or cadence mechanics at all. Thank you, I appreciate that a lot. :open_mouth:

So then… for more consistently high damage, using 2h makes more sense typically?

yep, for cadence 2h is more dmg “on the hit”
dual wields benefit is slightly faster cadence cycling

also additional note, Cadence scales pretty “poorly” on direct flat dmg, so %wd modifiers are stonks, or global flats ofc

had a 2h ranged chaos doodle somewhere, mebe should revisit :thinking:

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Yeah, gotcha.

Hah, keen to check out the chaos build when it’s ready for sharing. :smiley:

I was toying around with trying to stack Total Damage at one point. I haven’t tested it out or anything, but take a look at this nonsense… :smiley:

That said, I also came up with this before I understood DW or cadence, and even then it looked like it’d be “fine, I guess” on paper :stuck_out_tongue:

pistols mod idea are fine, problem is lack of RR on Tacts, so it takes a hit when there aren’t also soldier side mods to compensate
i even messed around with the pistols to see if it could bring Acid trozan conduit some benefit, but sadly Mage Hunter 0 acid RR means the TDM bonus gets kinda lost :sweat_smile:

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chaos doodle Witchblade, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
bit greedy, slightly fantasy
used the tool you guys made to quick insta create it and give it a fast 1x run, so no high rolls or specific fished items/stats, somewhat neutral mutators too (-10% crit dmg as the most impactful)
not really that big for 2h cadence compared to melee, but it’s ok
bit squish, for real/actual comfort play should probably be tweaked a bit, more lifesteal and stuff


Ooh, delish :smiley:

I was playing around with this one. I wanted to try and get a really high chance of doing ~400% weapon damage. This one has ~73% chance to do ~400% weapon damage, and then another 16% chance to do ~300 weapon damage…

It’s nice because that ~73% chance is also the chance to have pierce through shots which makes the mob-clearing quite fun and easy. But the build overall still feels quite… average somehow. Lacking. I’ve always struggled to make this gun work.

You’ve got me looking closer at the tooltips…

I’m presuming this is 144% of damage when combined with a shield… so really it’s 144% / 2 or something??

My mainhand damage at the time of these screenshots is max 19970, but the number in the tooltip is max 13583, which is only 68% main hand damage…