Hi everyone, another meme build from me. I wanted to use Venomlash dagger for a long time and finally find some use of it. There are two previous setups that’s been tested before 1 and 2 but I think Venomlash + Venomancer Helmet provides better damage than 3 piece Venomblade.
PS: This is not a whole guide but merely a showcase
I won’t say “nice build” since it is Witch Hunter - the most despicable class in GD . But good job nonetheless .
ABB is such a weird skill that hits only with offhand weapon even when DW. Did you try Venomlash in offhand, could it be more damaging? Also, Bloody Pox can be used to proc something, I would pick Tainted Eruption (and bind Revenant to SS).
Yes I did, it’s low base damage diminish the ABB tooltip, Amarastan Crusher with %50 physical>acid provides better damage. Although minimum values are almost same, maximum damage value is pretty low with Venomlash.
Bloody Pox is a good proccer among mobs but pretty bad againts single target, atleast with SS tainted eruption has %50 proc chance.
The ABB tooltip says in-game “% Off-Hand Damage”, not hidden much, to be honest . Also AoM, non-modified FW and different shield bashes (from items, components etc) have same tooltip, but require a shield equipped.
I am not the build author, @fordprefect is . This ring is craftable, in GT it is shown at the end of description “Blueprint: Mythical Widow’s Sting”, hover over the ring and scroll down. If you click it, you will see where to find blueprint and what components needed to craft.
I try crafted one more but it came with same stats. How do we know which stats items can get when crafted? The game it self does not say it can get an extra secret prefix/suffix?
Each smith has different special bonusses so if you try to craft in only one you can get only same bonusses. Check google for which blacksmith has which bonus