( HC Beginner Primal Strike Druid + Leveling guide - suitable for first char

Thanks for all the help. :smiley:

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Thank you for your guide, Iā€™m following it and I was wondering where the skill/gear tab is for lvl 40-50. It also seems the 50-60 doesnā€™t use all the skill points you get. Could you help?

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Hi! Thx for the reply! Just fixed the post

Hi S.E.P_Ralf, I follow your guide and I am having a blast. Thank you for creating it.
Which cult should be chosen at FG?

Many thanks

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Hi! Thank you for the reply! Feel free to choose any of them ( i always choose cult of solael first for their movement augment, it speeds up things a lot).

Thanks for the quick response.

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You will end up maxing all 3 of them eventually as well!

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Hi, I have followed you and found that the Devotion point of Grimtools is only 55, but in the game, there is 100. What should I choose 45 left?

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

You can only have a maximum of 55 devotion points, 50 if you only have the base game. There are a lot more shrines so you can continue to cleanse them if you want to as they still give XP and loot once you reach 50/55.

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I feel ashamed of myself. Sorry.

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I still have a question, it seems that I miss skill points, at lvl 70 I canā€™t take all the skills you picked. Where do I go wrong?

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Hi. Some quests give you extra skill points, so check your still avaliable quests

Thanks for the the guide. I like to try out different builds and class combos I havenā€™t played.
Act 1 was super easy but Iā€™m following your detour to FG expansion to get the weapon, 6 levels later and I still havenā€™t had it drop. Ive been doing the Temple of Osyr but Iā€™m getting discouraged as come close to death a few times. Anywhere better to farm ?

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Hi! This weapon will boost your damage a lot! If youā€™re close to dying so soon, check your gear and resistances. And you can put more points on wendigo totem to increase your healing. Since weā€™re using a 2H build, itā€™s a good idea to use scaled hide component on pants to increase damage absorb from armor. A curious thing about the weapon, when i leveled this char, i found it more often on sunbane oasis, cairan docks and korvan city

Hello guys, glad to see that this thread is still active. first of all, thank you for this great guide, been having a blast with it into lvl 80s now. i think if itā€™s possible to update the tag to let people know that this works for 1.2 patch, it would be awesome.
and so far iā€™ve been playing with 2 weapons, 1 melee as you guide is, and another one is 2 handed range weapon, the Ugdenbog sparkthrower, do you think i need to have some modification on the skill tree/devotion/attributes if i want to use the ranged one as main damage?

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Hi! Thank you for the reply. As a ranged primal strike char, i would change devotions to include the hydra.

Hello! Iā€™m a begginer and have been having a look at your guides and chose to follow this one! They are all great, thank you very much! Sorry to bother but Iā€™d like to know if there are alternative to the DLC weapons, specifically to the Korvan Storm Halberd as thatā€™s how far into the game. Thank you again for all the effort you put into these guides!

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Dumb question, but Iā€™m newā€¦ What kind of stats on gear should I be looking for? +Lightning damage? Or what? The grimtool links seem to show all possible rolls, so itā€™s not really clear what good stats are for this build, and what are worthless.

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Hey there! Ty for the reply! Well, during the leveling proccess you shouldnā€™t worry aabout the weapon stats (since its Korvan Storm Halberd). The endgame weapon should have an prefix of Thunder (thunderstruck, Charged, Tempest, etcā€¦) and a atttack speed suffix (of alacrity, of fervor, etcā€¦)

Iā€™m also new to the game but figured out that you only have to finish act 1 (turn in the quest after defeating the warden) and then a character will show up in town where you spawn in and he will teleport you to the DLC area. He will have a glowing circle under him.) Then you need to just head north through the area until you find the temple of Osyr. Go through it killing the large reanimated watcher guys along the way. Itā€™s decent XP too. I would clear the whole temple and then save and quit to menu, reload and head back there and do it again. Took me 3 or 4 tries before I got it.

Good luck!!

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