[]: The crimson vortex - DW Vitality EOR Oppressor: ~7:00 Crucible, Mogdrogen - 127% Vit RR, endgame viable - looking for feedback


Disclaimer 1: This is my first post here (or anywhere else) regarding GD builds. I Consider myself a half-decent theorycrafter and not really a good player/pilot and I believe there is a room for improvement for the build and especially for its performance.

Disclaimer 2: This is not a guide. This post also lacks proof videos, and many bells and whistles more experienced people include in their posts. I post this build, because a) some people may be interested in trying it out, b) I’m looking for feedback and suggestions.

Disclaimer 3: This build is theorycrafted and includes green items with not-so-realistic prefix/suffix combinations (all theoretically possible)


The Idea

I was inspired by Vitality EoR Sentinel by @mad_lee and this entire build I (heavily) based on his build.

I decided to try my best to make a viable DW Vitality EoR build knowing full well, that the game lacks items specifically designed to support a build like this (no Mythical Death’s Reach for me).

My ideas were simple:

  1. Get as much global Elemental and Physical to Vitality conversion (obviously, since there are no items to convert EoR only)
  2. Use as few active skills as possible to increase EoR uptime
  3. Stack as many RR proc skills as possible
  4. Choose an item providing DW capability that doesn’t occupy a gear slot, in which there will be a piece of gear that is essential for any of the points above


There are quite a few pieces of gear that I think are instrumental for the build to even come close to being endgame-viable:

  • Weapon 1
    • Blugrug’s Plagued Edge for Elemental to Vitality damage conversion
    • Wraithbound prefix on the weapon for Physical to Vitality damage conversion and Physical resistance
    • Seal of Blight for Physical to Vitality damage conversion, flat Vitality damage and % bonuses to Vitality and Critical damage
  • Weapon 2
    • Mythical Spiritcrusher for Vitality RR proc skill, Physical to Vitality damage conversion, and Necromancer mastery bonus
    • Haunted Steel for Physical to Vitality damage conversion, flat Vitality damage, ADCtH, and % bonus to Vitality damage
  • Medal
  • Amulet:
    • Bolvar’s Pendant for Vitality RR bonus to Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Physical to Vitality damage conversion and Oathkeeper mastery bonus
  • Ring 1:
    • Mythical Cursebearer for Vitality RR proc skill, % Vitality damage bonus, and Spectral Wrath skill bonus
  • Ring 2:

Then, I had to choose a piece of gear to enable dual wielding melee weapons. My choices were:

  1. Mythical Pack of Deadly Means – nice at first glance, but Vitality to Acid damage global conversion makes it not viable
  2. Mythical Korvaak’s Brand – it would require me not to use Namadea’s eye
  3. Mythical Direwolf Crest – no Namadea’s eye, same as above
  4. Several different relics – maybe, just maybe it is worth considering them, but they all lack bonuses to any of the masteries and skills this build uses, nor do they provide exceptional bonuses to Vitality damage or character attributes important to this build.
  5. Dunefiend’s Mask – No support for Vitality damage, but has Physical and Elemental resistances, Oathkeeper mastery bonus, and I deemed Lightning to Acid damage conversion (significant to Soulfire) an acceptable loss. Also provides nice 20% slow resistance and some health.

After considering aforementioned points, I chose Dunefiend’s Mask.

The rest of the gear was chosen to max out EoR and gather as many bonus points to Celestial Presence, Spectral Wrath, and Harbinger of Souls as possible. I chose not to use Mythical Sandreaver Bracers and picked Mythical Voidrend Talons instead to get the resistances I needed.

Skills and Devotions

Skills and Devotions were very heavily based on the build by @mad_lee. The main difference is that, since this build does not use a 2H weapon, I replaced Kraken and Lizard with Viper and Gallows.


If my calculations are correct, this build has 127% Vitality resistance reduction (28 + 29 + 25 + 10 + 10 +15 +10)

Damage output:

Wiyh all temp buffs active:

Without temp buffs:


All screenshots below are without temp buffs


I was able to do 150-170 Crucible more or less consistently in ~7 minutes with all blessings and without any beacons/banners. I am certain better players can reduce this time quite a lot.

I was able to kill Mogdrogen on Ultimate on my first try (with some potions and after swapping 1 Bysmiel’s Veiltouch and 1 Kingsguard Powder for Kymon’s Conduits) – that’s actually why I decided to actually post this build. When I started building, I didn’t expect it to perform quite as well.

Side note: When fighting Mogdrogen, I actually used a Blugrug’s Plagued Edge with Demonic prefix, because I am an idiot and because I had fever while building it.

I tried Callagadra once so far and failed, but I think perhaps a better player can do it.

Any suggestions and criticisms are welcome.


Hey, glad my build inspired you do your own! It’s well put together minus few things I would’ve done differently (like components for example), but the idea is clear and all items are working in the support of that idea (I would still take like green gloves though).
On the conceptual level there are two things that are not working however, in my opinion. Firstly, it’s the actual dual-wielding. EoR hits with one hand and second hand is used like an off-hand of sorts or a stat-stick but weapon damage just gets added to EoR, don’t remember exactly, but it hits with one hand. So not taking a two-hander (and not even a dedicated two-hander, that would obviously be the best option, but any big Vitality shovel) is already putting yourself at a disadvantage. And then there is rarity of items that is just impossible to replicate in the legitimate playthrough, so realistic version of that build would be like single rares and max one double rare. So it’s hard to say how would the more realistic version of the build perform.
It’s your first post but your build already looks more coherent (despite its obvious flaws) than what I see posted here, so well done, imo.


Normally it’s pretty meh comparing to 2H version damage wise but you can check this one, since I find it very squishy, I made it to survive from hell, damage is still meh though Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator , only weapons are double rare.

Okay, I just went over the prefixes and suffixes of the MI’s and came up with decent available ones :wink: Loses a bit of DPS and OA, gains some DA and Physique as a consequence:

Left the Amulet though, because with the changes of 1.2 to MI drop rates (namely bosses drop green MI’s always) it’s actually now possible to get. So would the double rare Blugrug one, but 2 would drive players insane :stuck_out_tongue:

No changes to components/augments were needed either.

Oh and definitely a solid build otherwise, the fact you got a total of -137% RR for vitality and yet maintained enough damage and survivability shows some damn fine building skills on your part :3

@mad_lee @fordprefect @The_Mess thank you for your responses and kind words. Currently I’m in a phase, where I theorycraft builds without caring whether there is any realistic chance to find items in a legitimate playtrough (I got a bit bored of designing “legitimate builds” recently, but I will probably go back to doing that once 1.2 is released).

Currently I’m tinkering around 2H Vit EoR build by @mad_lee (mentioned earlier) to see how much performance I can squeeze out; so far the best I came up with is: Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator which seems only a bit stronger (not tested in game yet), meaning @mad_lee build is amazingly optimized, considering the fact, that I gave myself full creative freedom regarding green items used.

EDIT: orthography
EDIT2: more othography


I tried to make it as affordable as I could and stopped on this version. Only one double rare and you probably can go around it. And still very deadly. Oppressor is always an expensive class to make.

Yeah, I’m really impressed by this combination of affordability and performance :wink:

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