I am new to the forum, and most builds I see for Cabalist pet is vitality, for example of Duskdeep86. I tried that build too, and it’s good with 2 Hellhounds but it took me more than 10 mins to kill Callagadra and I had to resummon a lot.
So I tried a fire pet build with high physical resist for pets and my character. Here is an overview of gears:
A green dagger Korvaad’s Burning-Blade to convert all physical damage to fire damage (this is a MUST).
A green off-hand Fleshwarped Archive for more damage, physical resist and CDR for Hellhound (this also is a MUST).
Two green rings Bloodsworn Signet with suffix Of the Untamed. Each can give me up to 5% physical resist for pets.
A green medal Halion’s Crest with either prefix Conjurer’s or suffix Of the Untamed or both. Each affix can give me up to 5% physical resist for pets.
A green helm Spectral Crown for 8% physical resist.
Other parts you can choose your favorite, but the more physical resist for pets the better. With my gears and devotions set up, my pet’s physical resist is 56% with extra 8% for Hellhound (Grimtools doesn’t show physical resist bonus from Aspect of the Guardian, don’t know why). It makes the fight vs Callagadra easier because the Hellhound can tank for a while. Build is very safe with 59% physical resist, 25k HP and 3k DA. This is a HC build, and the leveling is easy with Necromancer’s pets. Later when you have levels and items, you can put 17 points into Ember Claw so that Hellhound can taunt enemies. Here is the link for my build (UPDATED thanks to @fizzo_man)
I haven’t tried SR, Crate and Mogdrogen because I am lazy but the build is safe for Callagadra and Ravager, just remember to stay away from them, run and re-summon when pets die. Callagadra took 4-5 mins and Ravager was easier with around 2-3 mins. Here I upload a pic vs Calla. I can’t upload the other pic for Ravager because I’m new. Comments and suggestion are welcome!
Nice non set build. The only thing that I see is that your belt splits your elemental damage significantly. Since damage can only be converted once you will end up with a mix of vit and ele damage from your pets. Your weapon does not overwrite this conversion. Your dps will increase alot with a different belt choice. Mythical Shadowfiends is a good choice and it is very easy to get.
I’ve already changed the belt and tested, and yes, the time to kill Callagadra has been reduced by 2 minutes. Thanks @fizzo_man! I think it can be reduced more, but I don’t want to risk using a HC char.
Hi i love this build however something that i always get tired and confused by is the devotion system so if someone could help me with the order so that i can activate all the devotion i would appreciate it alot.
Some builds have a guide for it however i could not find one for this build.
Explain how Mythical Shadowfiend is easy to get. In my experience that thing is rarer than Mythical Nosferratis which is itself way rarer than other purple mythical legendaries (Stonefist Rebuke comes to mind - that thing drops like flies onto watermelon in my gameplay).
Shadowfiend’s cord is a blue item that drops consistently from doing totem farming. Its rolls are consistent and it provides good damage. I have found 5 in the past 20 hours of farming. Maybe it’s a matter of perspective but 4 hours on average is not rare to me.
I don’t know - seems like either you have great RNG or I have terrible. I have seen exactly one Mythical Shadowfiend in about the last 200 hours of totem farming, SR runs, leveling characters, nemesis encounters, rogue dungeons, etc. In that same time I have seen dozens of repeat purple items - mentioned Stonefist Rebuke, Boneshatter Treads, Lucky Bullets, and the like. Also for blue belts I have seen dozens of Mythical Shadowstalker Belts (literally). Every time one of those drops I get all excited because I see ‘Shadow’ and then I see ‘stalker’ and realize I have another item to take up stash space until vendored. Similar items (blue) that won’t drop for me are Mythical Blightshard Amulet and Mythical Marrow Band. Don’t know the RNG percentages on those blue items but they are definitely rarer than some purple items.